Dates for 2025 released - Live Welsh Weeks / Wythnosau Byw’n Gymraeg 🥳 (Not SSiW)

Live Welsh Weeks in Garth Newydd, Lampeter - 2024

These are NOT organised by SSiW, but would be a great immersion experience. The information is provided by Nia Llywelyn:

There is an intention to hold 5 or 6 ‘Live Welsh Weeks’ at Garth Newydd in 2024. The first dates will be:

  • 4-8 March ( with an option to arrive early for the St David’s procession in Lampeter)
  • 22-26 April

The organisers aim to deliver exciting activities, give the opportunity to attend different Welsh language events and have one Welsh ‘raise confidence’ session every day.

Nia Llywelyn, the organiser, said

“ It has been my dream to see a centre like Garth Newydd open in the heart of Wales, welcoming learners who want to immerse themselves in the Welsh language and culture. Since moving back to Ceredigion I’ve seen the amount of respect native Welsh speakers have for people learning their language and they welcome us with open arms”.

“I have a vast amount of experience hosting weekends for learners even before working with ‘Say Something in Welsh’ ‘s Bŵtcamps in places like Y Fenni, Bethesda and Tresaith but now I’d like to welcome you all to Garth Newydd, Lampeter.:tada:

“What’s great is as soon as you step out of the front door you’ll hear Welsh spoken naturally in a town in west Wales. This is the first centre of its kind to be able to provide you with this experience. You’ll also be encouraged by everyone around you.”

The cost will be £395 for 5 days or £325 if you intend to share a bedroom. Garth Newydd provides 3 twin bedrooms (each with a double and single bed) and 4 sole occupant bedrooms (3 with double beds, and 1 with a single) - 7 bedrooms in total.

To declare an interest and for more details/ leave a comment please fill in this form or email me on



These weeks will be from late Sunday afternoon to late Friday afternoon

One of the wonderful people you might meet when you get to Lampeter is Kees Huysmans. He’s a legend.

He moved with his family from Netherlands, set up a buisness, immersed in his community and learnt Welsh.
He’s won the Blue Ribbon in the National Eisteddfod, sings in two choirs and has just retired from running Waffles Tregroes where all his employees have a stake in the company.

A truly remarkable man! I very much hope you get to meet him.


You can find out more about events in Garth Newydd / Ceredigion if you follow
‘Ffrindiau Garth Newydd’ on facebook or visit


Bydd o fewn wsos nesa, diolch @Deborah-SSi! :slight_smile:

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Gwych Nia !

Garth Newydd and Ceredigion mentioned a few times last week on Wythnos Dysgu Cymraeg :partying_face: Ann, Jack, Jonathan, Gisella a Sheena

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March and April dates have now been booked up :partying_face: ( in 3 weeks!)

People were asking about dates later in the year. June and July dates are now available to book on

I will change the ‘Declare interest” for you to leave more general comments . It will also mean that I have your details to contact further :tada:

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I really want to come along to the one in July, but I am worried I wont be good enough in time. I am making my way through Level 1 SSiW and can put a few phrases together but struggling to get other practise in at the moment and really not confident at trying it out.

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If it helps, I spent a weekend there last year, having finished level 2 but basically having never spoken to anyone.

Honestly it was the best thing I could have done. I’m not saying it wasn’t a challenge, but I came away with a massive boost to my confidence, and a lot of impetus to carry on learning.


Penwythnos Traddodiadau’r Gaeaf / Welsh Winter Traditions weekend

12-14 Ionawr / January

If you fancy something after the long Winter nights why not book a weekend with us in Lampeter to celebrate Welsh Winter Traditions and welcome Y Fari Lwyd. A perfect opportunity to practise your Welsh :partying_face:


If you want to read more about the Fari Lwyd…Mari Lwyd, a Welsh Christmas Tradition | Museum Wales



Mi ges i amser bendigedig yn Ngarth Newydd y penwythnos diwetha. Had a great time at Garth Newydd last weekend. Lots of interesting information about local history and the folk music of Ceredigion. Really comfy accommodation, good food and lots of laughs, all done completely in Welsh of course! I’d really recommend the experience, it’s hard work but worth it.


Diolch yn fawr @lesley-6 :partying_face:

We’ve held one Live Welsh Week in Mid Wales and the feedback has been great.

“I couldn’t have wished for a better experience to improve my confidence in the Welsh Language. To be immersed in the Welsh language, culture and community both inside and outside Garth Newydd lifted my spirits and my ability to speak Welsh confidently in front of people. An experience I will never forget.”


“I really liked the grammar sessions. Nia teaches the real Welsh word I want to learn. Ultimately I want to live my life in Welsh and I know this week was perfect for me.”


“Friendly Immersive Helpful at many levels”


“Diolch am drefnu wythnos mor arbennig”


“I enjoyed all the activities provided, they were well organised, interesting and lots of fun.
I enjoyed and benefited from our times sitting in the Kitchen and living room talking and listening to other people.
The house itself was clean, comfortable and homely.”


To find out more please visit

If you want any more information please contact Nia at :tada:

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Wythnos Byw’n Gymraeg is a great opportunity to spend the whole week trying out your Welsh. Everybody around you will be so supportive and it’s lots of fun!

You’ll leave the week feeling inspired and refreshed in your ability to speak Welsh.

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Exciting news!
If you’re a fan of the lovely Lleuwen Steffan, she’ll be part of the Live Welsh Week this April in Mid Wales.
We’ll be going to hear her beautiful voice! She will also be coming to speak to us a the end of her performance.
There is one small space left (shared room for a female)

For more information about the Live Welsh Weeks visit please fill in the google form or email

Live Welsh Weeks are all about raising your confidence in using the Welsh you’ve got with the support of everyone around you.
See the reviews after our first ever Live Welsh Week. They’re amazing :heart_eyes:
We could have called them Love Welsh Week as well!

They’re busy filling up so why not book now on,


The next Live Welsh Weeks after April are
10-14 June
22-26 July
19-23 August
14-18 October ( nearly full)

Although these are week days we expect everyone to arrive around 5 pm on the Sunday to begin settling in for the week ahead.

I also arrange a zoom meeting (choice of two dates) for all participants beforehand so that questions can be asked and to get to know each other.

I very much hope to welcome you to West Wales / Lampeter one day or in different events under the name of Hwyliaith :partying_face:


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