Darn bach o hanes

Darn Bach o Hanes, kicks of a new series - 20:25 tonight - on S4C. Presented by Dewi Prysor.

Cyfres newydd o’r raglen sydd ar drywydd straeon a hanes diddorol ac anarferol. Dewi Prysor sy’n olrhain hanes lliwgar y gystadleuaeth a fu rhwng Caergybi a Phorthdinllaen ar ddechrau’r 19eg Ganrif i ennill masnach y llongau paced i’r Iwerddon.

New series of the history programme which takes a fresh look at Wales’ past. Dewi Prysor traces the colourful history of the competition between Holyhead and Porthdinllaen at the beginning of the 19th Century.

Diolch am rannu :star:

diolch dinas, na i wylio ar clic 'fory!

Learnt a lot. Can’t wait to visit Carn Boduan hillfort…It’s possible this was an Irish settlement. The words Lleyn and Llaen may derive from Lein as in Leinster in Ireland.
The English voice overs were hilarious…Is this how we sound to Welsh speakers?

Diolch Kim. Sounds very interesting.

Hard boiled Celt, Dewi Prysors, series has given some interesting aspects of Welsh history. I particularly enjoyed this one about the 1881 Welsh drinking laws and the reasons this unique British law came into force.
Funny, for me to remember the mass exodous from Dwyfor on Sundays to wet areas like, Pen-y-Groes and Caernarfon, when I first arrived in the area 20 years ago this very week. Penny and Dre Cofi were absolutely buzzing…It was like the wild west.


‘Was’ like the wild west? Surely this should be in the present tense?..hope they do another one about the ructions around Sunday opening of cinemas…that went to a referendum as well.

like the Wild West

is exactly how the old-timers in Rhaeadr Gwy describe Sunday nights in their town when Ceredigion was dry and Radnorshire not.

And going even further back, you’ll still hear tales of historical resentment in Herefordshire from the time when Radnor and Brecon were both still dry and it was the likes of Kington and Bucknell and Brilley that would get invaded from Wales once a week! :laughing: