Cymru FM

I don’t know if this has been mentioned before but there is an online or app of nothing but Welsh music, called Cymru FM. Here is the link-
You can hear it online and download the app - iOS or android and it is free!


Oh , thank you for this! Much appreciated!

Life saver! Whenever BBC Radio Cymru goes into English at night*, I’m always at a loss for what to listen to.

*night where I am lol

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Just a FYI: If you’re already using TuneIn as your internet radio app, Cymru FM is also available on there. :smile:


Diolch yn fawr!:blush:

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This helps. My phone is stuffed with apps its memory will die one day. :slight_smile:

Awesome, downloaded


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Diolch!! Thanks so much!

Wow, I’ve been listening to welsh podcasts while at work, which is great, but too often I’m concentrating on the conversation and not whatever I’m supposed to be working on.

Soo nice to be able to TuneIn to the radio and just let the songs play in the background. Not to mention, the Welsh Pop music is much easier to translate than BBC Cymru podcasts…which makes me feel very smart and proud of my progress (LOL!)

Thanks again.


I want to bump this thread up because I’m just listening to Cymru FM and what I’ve encountered is cute “interruptions” of the music with two kids (about 7, 8 or so I presume) are telling some news and interesting things from school happenings and about Wales in general in Welsh of course. The welsh is simple enough for almost everyone to understand so if someone wants to listen go ahead. They also say the title of every song they play after they read their part for the time. Warmly welcome, I’d say in the name of those two young moderators. :slight_smile: