Cwrs Haf Dwys yn Aberystwyth

Is anyone else doing the one-month long intensive summer course in Aberystwyth this year?

I did it one of the levels back in 2007 and have signed up again this year, this time I’ll be doing Uwch 2.

It would be lovely to meet up with other learners, no matter if you’re at a different level.


Not one this year sadly, but I loved the two weeks of the course I did back in 2019.

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Yes, I’m really looking forward to it. (I have already bought a new notebook for it, and everything. :slight_smile: ).

On the Work Welsh course I’m doing at the moment, we’ve just started the Uwch 2 book, so I’ll have done some of it already, but it’s all repetition and consolidation of the grammar at this point anyway and I’m always slow on picking up vocabulary, so that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Plus we do a lot of other things that are more workplace related in my current course.

I’m mainly looking forward to 1 month of lots and lots of Welsh, to hopefully propel me forward that last little bit.


Hi, I’m signed up for canolradd 1 & 2. Looking forward to it!

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Is that 1 and 2 as in all four weeks?

I’m sure you’ll have a blast!

It is, and it will be challenge but sure it will be enjoyable and worth it. I’m local to Aberystwyth if you need any info :slight_smile:

Me too! :slight_smile:

That’s 3 different levels between 3 of us then! I’m doing Uwch 1i a ii…
(Was surprised by how many people doing the Canolradd exam on Friday had already started Uwch…)

One of my teachers used to recommend doing the exam at the end of the following year of the DysguCymraeg courses. (So do e.g. the Mynediad exam after Sylfaen.)

Gives time for the material to sink in and embed.

When I did some of the exams (Sylfaen and Canolradd), it definitely felt like you had to have progress a bit further with your courses to do well and feel confident in the exam.

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Yes, I’m doing Canolradd 1&2 :smiley:

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Nice! :smiley:

We can arrange a meet up for everyone. I think that would be fun.


Yes definitely! Is anyone else staying in Fferm Penglias?

I think @ann-6 is staying in student accommodation too, but not sure where.

I live nearby (relatively speaking) so will be commuting in every day.

I am @Lucy04 - apologies for slow reply, only just back from Dundee!

Shwmae pawb!

I very much hope to meet you all.

Members of the Live Welsh Week in Lampeter and myself will be joining the Cwrs Haf crew on Thursday evening, the 25th of this month hopefully! :wales:🥳


Am not doing the course this year but am very interested in doing it next year but was unsure as to the situation with accommodation as l don’t live near Aber.l see that you are in student accommodation,did you book that through the university when you booked the course?

I applied for the Dan Lynn James scholarship and university accommodation is included in the award so when they contacted me to let me know that my application for the scholarship was successful they booked me a room in the halls automatically :slight_smile:


Well done @Lucy04 . I hope you learn more about Dan Lynn James he was a very respected man in Ceredigion.
My father knew him

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