Course 1 - Should I be pronouncing Mutations yet?

Shwmae all,

I am currently working through Course 1 - Lesson 12 and really enjoying my experience.

One thing that has bothered me is whether I am supposed to use the Mutations this early in the course.
Lesson 1-2 told me not to mutate, so I pronounced the content without mutations.
but, I’ve started to naturally mutate correctly. Should I force myself not to inorder to learn better or continue speaking the correct mutations if they come naturally?



Sorry if this is a silly question. :smiley:
just needed to get some guidance on what works best for the course & what the course creators intended for the learner.

Personally I’m very pleased that I am naturally mutating so I’d be happy to continue following the flow.

Just wondering whether holding off on mutation will help my grammar & learning in future.


Not a silly question :slight_smile:

I believe the intention is that you don’t worry about the mutations, not that you deliberately don’t do them… exactly because you’ll naturally start to do them correctly as you do the course.

S’mae Gareth

I do not remember being told not to mutate, just not to worry about them, they will come naturally through listening and use. So yes of course you should be mutating - it sounds to me as if the course is working reall well for you!



I’ve recently had the opportunity to speak with a charming older Welsh man, well into his 80s who has lived most of his life outside Wales, and is consequently a little rusty in it.

He only really gets chance to speak it when he goes on visits to his home village, and when his friends are “jabbering away” (as he puts it), most of it comes back to him. However, when he’s stuck having to speak to a learner like me, it’s not so easy as he doesn’t get the same 1st language stimulus - but he’s very patient and is kind enough to say I help him remember things.

Anyway, one thing he said was that he remembers all his mutations and always gets them right, but he doesn’t know why he’s doing it! And this seems to bother him a little, so he’s now looking in grammar books to check the rules. :slight_smile:

I don’t have the heart to say to him not to bother and that I envy his natural ability to get them right every time. :smile:

I think I remember, Aran saying that a first language speaker once said to him: “What are these mutations people keep going on about, Aran?”
For myself: it’s something I’m picking-up unconsciously; through osmosis, over the years. Trying to understand it through lists just doesn’t work for me…My books on mutations and grammar are gathering dust.
Funnily, they - mutations - now sound as if they should be there…
Ym Mhorthmadog, Yng Nghaernarfon really does sound nicer

Kim (dinas): Funnily, they - mutations - now sound as if they should be there…
Ym Mhorthmadog, Yng Nghaernarfon really does sound nicer

Brechdanau a chreision. Chwe phunt.
Yup, just sounds better, more natural. Which, I suppose, is the reason why they exist and continue. :slight_smile:


Thanks for all the advice & comments. appreciated. I shall continue going with the mutation flow…:smiley:

See you all on the mutation flip-side,

