I see Radio Cymru did a piece this morning, with Gwenno Saunders, on the Cornish being recognised as part of the UKs Celtic minorities…“Chons da, Kernow! /Good luck Cornwall”
Nowodhow da yw henna (that’s good news). I’m trying to learn Cornish, so this might give the language a boost.
Lots of very disappointing Anglocentric and borderline xenophobic comments on the BBC comments section on their story of the same event.
Never read the comments on news websites David. They will make you despair no matter what the subject!
Congratulations to Cornwall.
Never read the comments on news websites David. They will make you despair no matter what the subject!
So true! I am amazed at how much negativity there is out there.
Yes, a lot of OTT comments, even on the Guardian site … I suppose I should stop posting them really…