Côr Cymraeg Coventry mini gig

Hi everyone, for those interested in Welsh song and in the Coventry area, Côr Cymraeg Coventry will be entertaining the masses before the showing of the film Hedd Wyn (Cymraeg with English subtitles) at Warwick Arts Centre on Friday November 10th. We will be singing in the foyer at 5.30 and the film starts at 6.

Actually what is Cymraeg for a cappella?



What’s English for a cappella? :wink:


It could be canu digyfeiliant. (unaccompanied singing).

Geiriadur yr Academi gives Occ: canu sych

Thanks @mikeellwood! :slight_smile:

Just a note to say this mini gig was wonderful, well done the men of Cor Cymraeg Coventry.

I made it there to listen to the singing, which was great (couldn’t stop for the film) but it made me want to get to more of the Cambrian Society events.

One highlight was the choir finished by inviting the listeners to join in singing ‘Land of my fathers’, wow, that was amazing. I haven’t been in a group of welsh people singing the national anthem before and it was such a great experience, about fifty people there all burst into song. Bit of a cliche maybe but I can’t wait for the next time I get to sing it and obviously I need to learn it properly rather than just mumbling along :grin:

Also I saw several people from the Cambrian Society’s welsh speakers meetup and blithely spoke to them in welsh even though mostly they started off with me in english. I know I’m a fairly early stage learner but I want all the practice I can get and several were very kind and tolerant of my really quite bad welsh. I feel very lucky to have so many welsh speakers nearby despite living in England. (Eleven at the last meetup I went to, not counting me and my two children.)

Even spoke to two strangers in welsh as we were standing near each other during the singing. I am trying to be very blithe about my welsh and take very opportunity to use it without being too embarrassed as I think that probably is the best way to improve rather than avoiding using because I know I am not too great at speaking welsh yet.

So anyway thanks again to the choir, fantastic job! :stars: :stars:


Thanks @alice9! Really pleased it sounded ok! :slight_smile: