Change to the S4C "Clic" look and feel [browser]

It looks as though S4C have put what was the “beta” test version of Clic into production recently, or since I last used it which wasn’t long ago.

It’s ok, but I have noticed a few problems, which I have contacted them about.

One of them is that the subtitles have lost their colour differentiation between characters. I believe this is there mainly to help non-hearing viewers (and there is a Europe-wide standard covering it), but it’s sometimes helpful even if you can hear the dialogue, when conversation exchanges are rapid.

I tried looking at the same programme on BBC iPlayer and the colours were there, so the information is still in the subtitle data*, but the Clic player is not making use of it.


Beta, shmeta, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it …

*Also, if you are a semi-demi-guru, it’s possible to see the subtitle data

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I just tried to use the new version of Clic. I can’t watch any of the videos that are supposed to be available worldwide, including Cariad@Iaith which I could watch just fine before the site changed. (I am in the United States.) I tried in Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. I get the error message “FLASH: srcnotfound”. I updated the browsers, updated Flash Player, and rebooted. No change. I really want to see some of Y Sioe. I would be really appreciative if anyone outside the UK would be willing to report if they can see any of the videos. The link for shows available worldwide is I did send S4C a message to see if they could help.

I TOTALLY agree!

There was a time when, if you googled a Welsh phrase, the chances were that one of the top hits would be one of S4C’s subtitle XML files. This doesn’t seem to happen any more.

I’ve just tried to watch Cariad@iaith and I get the same error. I live in Germany, really gutted that it doesn’t work.

@sophiedysgwr Thank you SO much for trying it and for letting me know you have the same issue. I really hope S4C responds to my message. If I get any information, I will let you know.

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I got a very quick acknowledgement to mine, but no substantive answer yet. Sounds like they may by now be getting inundated with complaints. I don’t remember seeing a warning about the change, but then, I might easily have missed it.

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I tested it as a beta and found a heap of things which were very unhelpful compared to the previous version. I gave them feedback and they responded that it was only a beta and lots could change before it went live, but it doesn’t look that different to me. And I agree with the ‘if it ain’t broke’ comment. Why oh why S4C?

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It’s also only very recently changed, hasn’t it? It can’t be more than two years since the last change came out of beta.

Yes, I don’t think it was that long ago. I remember when I saw they were testing another Beta version that it wasn’t long since it changed previously.

@sophiedysgwr Just to update…I never heard anything back from S4C, but yesterday I checked again to see if any of the videos would work…and they do! I can now watch all the videos shown as available worldwide. So hopefully this means S4C fixed something on their end, and it will work for you (and others!) too.


@AnnaC Thanks for the update. Just tried it again and I can cofirm that it works. So happy :smiley:

@sophiedysgwr Excellent! So glad it’s working for you, too! Thanks for letting us know :slight_smile: