CACEN Meetup South East England

HI we are having a meeting in Brighton
Battle Of Trafalger
34 Guilford Rd
BN1 3LW.
On Wed the 11th starting at 7pm.
All welcome for a relax chat and a drink.

I am sorry to say that the meeting on Sat 14 th has been cancelled. We are holding it on the 4 th of November instead

Rugby to blame? :thinking:

HI we are having a meeting in Brighton
Battle Of Trafalger
34 Guilford Rd
On the 25th Oct.
All levels welcome from beginners to fluent

Sounds interesting hope to come to one of the weeks

Hi Cacen is having a meeting in Brighton on the 4th of Nov.
There will be a shared lunch and an afternoon of relax chatting.
if you would like more details please send me a message.

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Hi Sally, same address as before? 35 Graham Avenue?



Hi we are having a meeting at the Battle of Trafalgar
34 Guilford Rd
On the 22nd of November at 7pm.

Pub is very near the train station and bus stops.
All welcome for a relaxed chat and a drink.

Hi Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
We are having our 1st meeting of the year,
Battle Of Trafalgar,
34 Guilford Rd
BN1 3LW.
Warm welcome to all

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It is a new year and a new beginning, if anyone would like to do something new and join us that would be great

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I may not make it this time, but should I be able to join you, when is it?

We have a meeting every other Wednesday night the next one is tonight, at 7pm .

We also have a meeting once a month on a Saturday in some ones house which you are more then welcome to join if you which. We start the meeting at 1pm. The location of this changes but will let you know if you are interested

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Thank you! Am too old to be gallivanting in the eveningsm trains can be a drag, but a Saturday meeting sounds very tempting. It would be great to listen to Welsh.

Diolch yn fawr, eto! I might not be able to join you this month (cat and/or grandchildren sitting), but one of these days Iā€™ll be listening to Welsh in the Wild in Sussex, I hope.

Keep an eye on the forum where I will keep putting the information on about the Saturday meeting and I look forward to seeing you soon.
Sally x

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Hi Cacen is having a meeting on Wednesday 17th, starting at 7pm
34 Guildford Rd
BN1 3LW.
Warm welcome to all

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Hi there is a meeting in the Battle of Trafalgar in Brighton. Starting at 7pm
34 Guildford Rd
BN1 3LW.
Warm welcome to all