Books for learners

Couldr the parcel of books suitable for learners, recently given as prizes, be made available for purchase? I’m sure there are other learners who might find it helpful to have something we can suggest as a suitable seasonal gift?

Maybe we could see a list of what’s included, with a price including UK postage?

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I think this is one for @Deborah-SSi :slight_smile:

I have to confess that I didn’t record all the names as I was in a hurry to get them parceled up and out to the winners. Perhaps some of those who received books could do a little review of them here when they’ve read them.

But to start you off - here is a link to one page on the Gwasg Gomer website where they recommend books for learners - Fiction for Welsh Learners

I know a couple of the Blodwen Jones books were amongst those I sent out.

Another book that is great to start with is Cant y Cant - which has short articles on a variety of topics with vocabulary at the bottom of each page.


Thanks for the swift reply. Will start with those! But it would also be good to have reviews from the winners!

Not a book in the sense you probably meant, but this is interesting:

It’s not particularly cheap, but as always, GK puts a lot into it, and a learner who is serious about reading could get a lot out of it. At the time of writing, there are some “marketplace” copies of the paperback which are cheaper than the standard Amazon price.