Booking: Tresaith Bootcamp June 2015

Just let me know when and where :slight_smile:

Hi folks.

This message goes out to Nan and Toulouse2 in particular!

Thank you both for offering me lifts. Now that we know Iestyn would like us at Tresaith before 4 pm, I think it might be safer in terms of timing for me to take up Nan’s offer. Nan, my train is due to arrive at Aberystwyth at 13.17 on 20 June. If that fits in with your plans, I’d be very grateful for a lift from there to Tresaith, please. (I’m very happy to contribute to the cost of “gas”)

Looking forward to meeting you all …

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Hello David and anybody else who might need a ride from Dolgellau or Aberystwyth to Tresaith. I don’t know how many seats will be in the car we’re renting, but I’m sure there will be at least two free seats. So if you’re brave enough to drive with me, changing gears with my left hand and trying to remember to drive on the right, oops I mean left, side of the road, I’m happy to give a lift. We wanted to poke around Aberystwyth anyway, so probably we could find out where the train station is, and we could be there for your arrival. David, could you give us your phone number. We’ll have a Canadian cell phone, but haven’t yet researched how to get it operational in Wales, and I suppose we’ll get a brand new number. Meantime, if there’s a glitch, we’ll at least be able to get in touch with you. So, David, we’ll be at the train station shortly after one on June 20. Will you have a red rose in your mouth, or how will we know you?


For those heading to Tresaith for the first time, here’s a little feature with the lovely, Heledd ap Gwynfor.
Starts 21 minutes in…Obviously, Mr Pws makes an appearance.

Thank you so much, Nan!

My mobile number is 07875826361. (Landline 01926 408036)

You could email me at up til 8.30 am Saturday 20 June, but not thereafter.

I’ll be the one looking like a superannuated backpacker, fair hair (not much of it), slimmish, blue jeans (?), waving a leek …

Dwi’n edrych ymlaen at gwrdd a chi.

Thanks for the info, David. Your description of yourself is not really a lot to go on, but I don’t suppose there will be hordes of people getting off the train in Aberystwyth (especially waving leeks.)
Dwi’n edrych 'mlaen at gwrdd a chi hefyd. Or would it be ti, after all these messages back and forth? I really don’t know.

Hi David, I’m just double-checking you’re comfortable sharing this information on the forum. I generally edit out people’s email addresses when I see them, to limit the chance of them getting spam-harvested. If you’d like your post edited to remove the phone numbers/email address, please shout and I’ll do so. (I’m not sure how long after posting you can edit your own posts).

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Thanks, Wondersheep. Do you offer this editing because you moderate the forum or similar? If so, forgive my ignorance!

Nan, why don’t you send me an email, so I’ve got yours and nearer the time we could speak on the phone to establish exactly where to meet at Aber station. (I used “chi” because I meant you plural, you and your brother. :smile: )

Hi David,
Yes, I’m one of the people with forum-editing superpowers. I’m just a (sometimes) enthusiastic volunteer, though, I’m not an important SSi person :smile:

@david_cumner: I have just noticed that there is a very discreet shield-shaped icon next to @wondersheep’s username. If you hover over it, it says: “This user is a moderator”.

It seems that Discourse has gone for the minimalist approach in this respect. :wink:

My brother David and I were reminded by Iestyn’s brochure that we will need to beg, borrow or steal - or rent- something to sleep in or under. So would this be the place to reserve sleeping bags or duvets and pillows from the hostel at Tresaith? We’ll bring pillow cases.
Only one more sleep before we leave. Dw i’n llawn cyffro!

Hi fellow btcpers.

As per the brochure, I’d be very grateful if someone who’s driving could bring me a duvet, please, as I’m coming by train. Please let me know if you can help.

Hywl fawr,


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There are some duvets at the canolfan - I shall put Heledd on alert now to get some! - but if it’s [possible for you to bring duvet covers, then that would be great. There are one or two covers usually availabel for our overseas travellers more than anything, so I’ll ask about them as well.

Not long now - it’s looking like fun!



Iestyn, if Heledd can guarantee me a duvet, please, I won’t have to ask someone else to bring one for me. :smile: Of course I’ll bring a cover.

I’ll let you know when Heledd gets back to me, but there’s never been a problem before. If there is a problem, then I’m sure I can rustle up some spares from somewhere!


Ta muchly, Iestyn. Looking forward to our holiday!


Looking forward to hearing all your differing experiences…I bet many of you are totally knackered after the week.


Surprised no one has made comment about their week in Tresaith. It’s always great hearing the stories…


Totally agree, I remember I couldn’t wait to post in the forum after my first bwtcamp!


Maybe, no one enjoyed themselves, Gaby…me I’d still be happy to - at least - hear their gripes.