Bod vs Bo fi Challenge 4

On challenge for but a little confused by the interchanging all of a sudden between bo fi and bod dal?


The simple part is that ā€œdalā€ is ā€œstillā€, as in ā€œI still needā€. Thatā€™s why it appears in some sentences and not others - it depends on whether youā€™re saying ā€œI stillā€.

Thereā€™s more I wanted to say about the ā€œbod dalā€ thing but Iā€™m struggling to explain it clearly, so I gave up. :sweat_smile:


Yes Iā€™m just a bit confused that ā€œthat I stillā€¦ ā€œis not bo fi dalā€ as we were taught previously that ā€œ that Iā€ was bo fi

I get a bit frustrated that they change whole words and add in new ones without ever explaining how and why

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Iā€™m not doing northern @sianelagreen, but is it to do with the word youā€™re constructing with?
As mae dal rhaid i mi is introduced in challenge 4 - and the construction with rhaid is different - checking, looks like where above is introduced is around 3:48 into challenge.

Having had a quick listen, you hear the construction youā€™re expecting a lot in the challenge - then you hear at 25:12ā€¦ā€˜I think that Iā€™ve still got to improveā€™ - which uses rhaid, hence the different construction Dw iā€™n meddwl bod dal rhaid i mi wella . Itā€™s the same construction you learnt about near the start of the challenge with rhaid, with the i mi at the end. It always has that different construction.

Hope this helps - though sure someone else can explain it better for you!


Yes, thatā€™s exactly what I was having trouble trying to explain!

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Iā€™ll try this:

I think youā€™re listening to the bit that goes ā€œDwiā€™n meddwl bod dal rhaid i miā€¦ā€

If you remember, when Aran introduced ā€œrhaid i miā€ he mentioned that a literal translation would be ā€œthere is a must for meā€. Thatā€™s why thereā€™s no ā€œfiā€ in ā€œDwiā€™n meddwl bod dal rhaid i miā€. The ā€œfiā€ is where you say ā€œIā€ (I want, I need, I speak, etc). But in ā€œrhaid i miā€ youā€™re not actually saying ā€œI mustā€, youā€™re saying ā€œthere is a mustā€. So no ā€œfiā€, because no ā€œIā€.

Does that make sense?

Exceptā€¦in Southern course itā€™s actually ā€œMa dal rhaid i fiā€!
I guess thatā€™s a regional preference.

However for @sianelagreen doubts: I believe that SSiW works much like learning straight from people rather than in school. Like mother tongue. I canā€™t explain why use one thing here and the other thing there, but I know which one is right.
And I can tell it works!

But of course whenever one feels the need to understand better, itā€™s fair to ask and you always get answers here (you can also try a search in the forum, to start with or have a look at this thread:

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If I understand your question right, the structure hasnā€™t changed though. ā€œthat Iā€ is still ā€œbo fiā€
Itā€™s just a matter of word order in sentences, about where to put ā€œdalā€ (still)ā€¦because thatā€™s just how it goes in Welsh language!

Was that your doubt?

p.s. if not, I guess it would be easier to answer if you write the whole sentences, to understand the difference thatā€™s confusing you!

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Yes, must be a regional thing. Either way, though, the ā€œmeā€ in that sentence is an indirect object rather than the subject, which is the structural difference thatā€™s causing it to be confusing for sianelagreen I think.

Itā€™s amazing how well that works, isnā€™t it? :slightly_smiling_face: You start to ā€˜feelā€™ whether something is right or not, and when to mutate, etc.


Ah Alan and Ann spot on that was where my confusion was and Alan you explained it perfectly. You forget that it uses a different construction to English in that it isnā€™t really saying I must. Trying to remember this and spotting it may be more of a challenge!

Thank you both for taking the time to reply to me


Youā€™re welcome! It will start to make sense, honest. A lot of the time you actually donā€™t need to understand the mechanical side of why something is phrased differently - it will just go into your head eventually.

I completely sympathise with wanting to understand it though! Itā€™s something I still struggle with. Iā€™ve just run into one in the challenge Iā€™m on. Iā€™m trying not to let it drive me up the wall. :sweat_smile:


Something @siaronjames said seems apt here (substitute ā€˜constructionsā€™ for ā€˜wordsā€™)ā€¦

Some words - even frequently used ones - can often seem like theyā€™re never going to stick, but over time they willā€¦ although you maybe wonā€™t notice because by then theyā€™ll have been replaced by other words which seem like theyā€™re never going to stickā€¦ and so on!

So donā€™t worry - you havenā€™t fallen off the wagon at all - youā€™ve just gone over a bump and shifted off the comfy part of the seat, which is a perfectly normal part of the journey!


I like it.

Iā€™m struggling with the exact same thing and it was suggested that I go into the hangout question session for these early challenges. And you get a chance to use some Welsh too

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I agree. It is a little frustrating when I am really concentrating and get thrown off track. Could do with an explanation.

I like it too and I believe you.

Hi All. You might have sussed the query by now, but if not, I hope that the following summary will be helpful. Sorry if Iā€™m stating the obvious.

As with English, its OK to change the word order around a bit.
As you know -
Bod = That (in this case)
Boā€™ fi = That I
Dal = Still
Rhaid I fi/mi = I must

Boā€™ fi dal = That I still
Bod dal rhaid I fi = That still I must (That I still must)

You donā€™t need ā€œBoā€™ fi dal rhaid I fiā€, as that would be like saying " That I I still must"

Thanks John thatā€™s much appreciated