Bobsled... dw i'n ar y ffordd lawr...on the way down

Dydd cyntaf o bobsled am fi.
Heddiw, nes i dechrau efo level un newydd

Dwi’n newydd gorffen challenge 1-3. Dwi’n wedi bluno nawr ond nes i mwynhau iawn.
Dwi’n ddim yn wedi wneud cwrs hwn cyn felly y cyfle iawn i ddysgu geiriau newydd am fi

felt under pressure at start to blurt out the sentence before the voices reveal the answer but got into the swing of it
Really good to hear how you can use ‘sut’ in sentences other than sut mae.
also very useful knowing how to use ‘that’ in middle of sentence

dwi’n edrych ymlaen i dydd dau, bydda i drio gwrando efo ipod pan bydd mynd rhedeg yn y bore

Hwyl nes yfory

Ti’n gwneud yn dda iawn Alistair! Llongyfarchiadau. Dw i’n meddwl y byddi di’n mwynhau Lefel 1 - os bydd gen ti gwestiynau, jesd gofynna!



Sounds like you’re off to a flyer - llongyfarchiadau mawr! Feel free to carry on doing more than one session a day - the earlier ones should certainly have enough familiar elements for you to do that if you want - and we’ll try and have some Level 2 stuff ready for you before you get to the end, if you go too quickly…:wink:

Diolch Stu a Aran am eich neges chi

Dydd ddau, dal i gredu

Pan on i rhedeg bore ma, on i gwrando i her pedwar a pump (level 1 newydd). Ces I edrych dryslyd am peth ci cerddwr!!

Nes i joio y gwers a her hefyd eto

good to learn the simple but useful phrases for ‘i would like’ and ‘I’ve got’

few questions:
1)why goes cofio not mutate after joio to Gofio?

  1. for the sentence ‘I’ve still got more to learn’ I kept wanting to use ‘ma dal gyda fi’ instead of mae dal rhaid i fi….can i use both ?

Welli i fi fynd nawr i ymlacio cyn yr her nesaf yfory!

hwyl am y tro

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S’mae Alistair?

Using gyda gives you “I have still got more to learn”, but using rhaid gives you “I’ve still got to learn more”, so thats the difference.



Shwmae Alaistair.
To add to Stu’s answer, gyda is normally used where something is in your possession, or in this case, would be something you have with you to correct (ie learn more). rhaid is used when there is a must to do something, so you still must learn more, in the literal sense. Hence, rhaid would be the better word to use in this scenario.

Diolch i ddau o chi am eich neges chi.

Dydd tri, dwi’n wedi wneud heriau chwech a saith prynawn ma (level 1 newydd )

The pieces of the jigsaw are falling in to place and making more sense for real life conversations

Im finding the various words for ‘that’ really useful (bod dti’n that siarad, bo fi etc)

qwestiwn: am i able to use also ‘sain galli gofio’ as well as ‘allai i ddim yn cofio’

Dwi’n joio bob her, cawson ni llawer o sbri ymarfer siarad heno

hwyl , tan y her nesaf

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For the purpose of this course, I would use the structures you are taught in the challenges. Otherwise, in live conversation, you can use either structure as will feel most natural to you when speaking.
In the old course 2 (southern), Iestyn introduced the sa i and so ti/fe/hi/ni/nhw/chi structure in a special lesson at the beginning of the course, called “Lesson 0”. As yet, no one other than Aran, Catrin, and possibly Iestyn and Cat, knows what is in store for Level 2, or if the sa/so construct will be introduced in the coming challenges. I’m sure if they are you will get plenty of practice with them. In the mean time, if you want to practice them now, check out Lesson 0 from the old southern course 2!

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When you’ve got two verbs in a row, if there aren’t any connecting words, the second won’t be affected by anything that causes a mutation (off the top of my head!) :sunny:

If the English prompt is ‘I’ve still got more to learn’, it sounds as though you’re right and we’ve made a hiccup - because as the others have said, ‘Mae dal rhaid i mi’ is ‘I’ve still got to’…

Yes, absolutely :star:

Diolch Aran

Dydd pedwar
Dwi’n newydd gorffen heriau wyth a naw. On I wrando yn yr car heddi.
Fast and furious sentences ,
I feel like a goalkeeper at times when you just saved one and the next shot comes at you, same with phrases thick and fast coming at you. Focusing on getting the words out at normal speed rather than perfection is good advice
A few mistakes which I end up swearing in frustration (and few funny looks from cars around me!)

Very handy the phrase ‘to speak a little slower- dweud bach yn arafach’

When repeating phrases like 'I’m trying to say/I have forgotten to say ,
Most of the time I was saying
‘Dwi’n trio i ddweud’
‘Dwi’n wedi anghofio I ddweud’ and mutating after ‘I’

However I recall from the spoken answer that In many cases there is no ‘i’ in front of dweud and no mutation with 2 verbs together but in some cases there is an ‘I’
This is probably related to your post answer but is there any logic to when you use ‘I’ before second verb

Dwi’n Edrych ymlaen I wneud fy her I hwyrach

Precious little, I’m afraid! You can kind of track down some differences in meaning between to/in order to, but then because of the impact that English has on how Welsh speakers use their Welsh, it’s far from reliable, so the best bet with this is to let yourself get used to it gradually (although it might be worth trying to remember that ‘trio’ will always be ‘trio+verb’ without the i!)… :sunny:

You’re clearly doing superbly - llongyfarchiadau! :star2:

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Dydd pump, dal I fynd and Dwi’n joio fawr.
Dwi’n wedi bod ymweld fy rhieni I sydd yn dod I abertawe felly ma gyda fi y cyfle I ymarfer gyda nhw!

Dwi’n newydd wedi wneud heriau deg a hefyd unarddeg.

Found it really useful to discover the phrase ‘sydd yn’ for who is , have previously incorrectly been using pwy in middle of sentence.

I’m beginning to better understand logic of sentence construction with some words, for example ’ to ask you something’ …my automatic reaction is to say ’ gofyn i ti rhywbeth’ but have to to get in mindset of thinking ’ to ask something to you- gofyn rhywbeth I ti’ to get it right.

Also, i think Im getting my head around why I’m using ‘gallu’ in future tense when my mind thinks I should be in present.
'If I can - ‘os galIai I’ , I am now thinking of this more as ‘if I will be able to’,that way it makes more sense to me

Aran… Dwi’n trio gweud brawdddeg hir nesaf heno


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Excellent - you’re clearly throwing yourself into this with exactly the kind of enthusiasm that always brings the best results - llongyfarchiadau mawr! :star:

Gwaith gwych (great work!) Alistair! Sounds like you’re doing really, really well. Dal ati! (Keep at it). : -)

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diolch am eich cefnogaeth, ddau o chi

dydd chwech, wi’n wedi wneud heriau un deg dau a hefyd un deg tri (level 1 newydd)

I found course 13 hardest so far, there were old men, young girls, old girls friends, sisters etc flying in from all angles and it is certainly getting faster/shorter before Cat starts speaking !
I found the iddi / iddo fe a good addition as id never known how or what to do with them previously

is there any logic to the ordering of young /old before person as old goes before (hen ddyn) and young after dyn ifanc? or should i just accept it and will get used to it
I managed to spring my sentence challenges on a few, my dad was enjoying it and joining in with one of the lessons too!


Helo Alistair a llongyfarchiadau mawr i ti.
You’re right “hen” is one of only a few adjectives that come before the noun (and causes soft mutation). “Ifanc” behaves like most adjectives and follows the noun.

That’s the one…:wink: I made a point of having those two in particular so that you’d get exposed to the difference, but you’ll find over time that ‘ifanc’ works in a much more usual way for Welsh :sunny:

Diolch Aran

Dydd saith, dal i 'ma
cwrs 14/15/16 dwi’n wedi wneud heddi

the pace is fast and furious now with useful phrases like he said/she said and totell (dweud wrth a)
i found it really useful for ’ this book, y llyfr ma (presume 'ma is deriving from this book here) and 'that film /y ffilm na (presume here again its deriving 'na from yna/there).
the structure of the course is cleverly done as it slips in past, current and future tense quietly without worrying you what is ahead :wink:

nes ti joio y her?
do, joyais i fe, oedd 'n ddiddorol i wrando i pigion radio Cymru. On i wrando am Elvis Preselli !!

tan yfory !




Llongyfarchiadau mawr iawn - every day you survive is an accomplishment!..:wink:

dydd wyth
bore da, tipyn o hwyr sgwennu hwn,

dwin wedi wneud cwrs 17 a 18 ddoe.
ces i syniad achos mae cwrs dim ond ar gael yn gogledd

I had a surprise with these 2 as they were only available in North Walian
It threw me a bit as there are more differences than i’d realised
isho instead of moen
angen instead of eisiau
instead of dweddod hi/fe , i think i was hearing dwiddodd.
there also seems to be a different word being used for galli (meidrod?)

Good practise actually as Im up in North Wales at end of month to watch The Alarm/Mike Peters

I found it really useful with phrases: ges ti?did you, ychydig/few and gwydraid jeu ddau/glass or 2

Qwestiwn:: is efo the north walian equivalent of gyda in south or are the 2 interchangeable in North or South ?

dwi’n mynd sgio heddi ac mae newyddion dda gyda fi, mae gyda fi ffrind ar y taith sydd siarad gymraeg yn rhugl, felly dwin mynd trio siarad cymraeg gyda fe trwy y wythnos, bootcamp/bobsled lawr y bryn serth!!
