Bobsled... dw i'n ar y ffordd lawr...on the way down

Shwmae Alistair,
You are correct, ‘efo’ is the word used in North Wales for ‘with’, and both ‘efo’ and ‘gyda’ are interchangeable in both parts of Wales.
…in fact, the majority of the variants are interchangeable. At the very least, whatever dialect you choose to speak, you will still be understood.
There are only a very few words that may be completely regional and a Welsh speaker who isn’t from that region may sport a confused look at. Otherwise, I wouldn’t worry too much about using, say, a southern dialect in a northern town.
For this reason, learning how the gogs say things differently to the hwntw’s isn’t a bad thing, and before long you’ll quickly pick up those differences so you too will understand what is being said in another dialect!

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That would be “medru”. But the gog course also teaches “gallu” (or the old one did), a bit later. And as faithless says, these minor differences soon become all in a day’s work, and just add to the variety.

Sut mae…dwin dal i credu.
Mae’n ddrwg da fi am dim cysylltiad, On i sgio yn awstria penwthynos diwethaf.

Ces i amser gwych achos bob dydd yn yr noson, on i ymarfer siarad cymraeg gyda fy ffrind sydd siarad yn rhugl. naeth y bobsled rhoi i fi mwy hyder i ymarfer cymraeg (a hefyd i gwydraed neu ddau yn yr nos),
Nes I orffen yr cwrs newydd yn dros yr penwythnos and newydd dechrau y cwrs dau newydd.

Dwi’n wedi mwynhau dros ben y bobsled ac yr cwrs cyntaf ond dwin wedi ffindio yr cwrs gogledd galed (20-25) ar ol y cwrs du.ymarfer da iawn, dwin siwr. Bydda i ymweld llandudno y penwythnos ma i weld y band ‘The Alarm’ felly dwin mynd i cymryd bob cyfle i ymarfer efo (!) y gogs !!

Hefyd dwin trio gwrando i radio cymru bob dydd. Cyn y Bobsled, nes i ddeall bach o gyriau a nawr/rwan, dwi’n galli i ddeal mwy ian.
ma gyda fi ychydig o ffrindau sydd siarad gyda fi mor aml a phosib

Diolch iawn am y cyfle hwn, dwi’n ddim yn stoppo nawr !!


Oh, what, and you want sympathy?..:wink:

Llongyfarchiadau mawr! Ti wedi gwneud yn hollol wych :star:

Sorry to butt in but you seem to be enjoying the Bobsled Alistair and I have read your interchanges with Aran and others with great interest.
I’m hoping to take the plunge very soon so I’d appreciate any information on your experience of doing it and any advice you have on how to go about it.

I’ve been through Course 1 and 2 (Gog) and have almost finished the new Level 1 so, hopefully I’m ready to jump in.

Comments from anyone else who has gone through it would be equally valuable…

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Depending on how much response you get in here, Bryan, you might like to split off your reply as a new thread, with a title like ‘Looking for opinions from Bobsled survivors’… :sunny:

Sut mae Bryan, ces i amser gwych ar y bobsled

I would definitely recommend doing the bobsled.
Over the last 2 years I have off and on been through level 1 and level 2 courses but I haven’t been consistently having an intense burst.
The bobsled gave me the boost and discipline I needed and I put time aside to make sure i stuck to it everyday to get most out of it.
for bobsled , I did the level 1 new course right through. I found this really useful as every lesson was well constructed and introduced new words/structures but also each lesson bringing in what has been learnt in previous lessons so subconsciously you are revising/remembering/drummed into an accumulation of all the lessons, this I found really useful.
The bobsled structure gave me the added impetus of being structured to follow this.
One thing I really liked about the Aran emails and post replies is that they are full of enthusiasm and encouragement for you, actively encouraging you to speak and and not worry about making mistakes. This was a big hurdle as sometimes you feel really conscious of your lack of being able to speak fluently which can stop you speaking. I now have a lot more confidence in my ability after this bobsled as i now have a far better foundation of structures/words which I actually feel i can get by in conversations (with patient people!), and I will try to talk to anyone in welsh and get by.

ultimately its up to me now to get into as many conversations as possible and at least I have given myself a chance

I’m trying to listen to Radio Cymru each day too for a bit and I surprised myself how much more i can understand

feel free to use this post in any other threads

pob lwc, dal at ti

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prynhawn da Aran

wi’n wedi wneud pedwar gwersiau am cwrs dau newydd.

yn yr cymru de, sut dw’in dweud, ‘we have 2 children/ i have no children’…‘mae gynnon ni dwy plant’ teimlo del cymru goggledd. Ga i dweud ’ ma dwy plant gyda fi’ yn yr de?

diolch fel arfer

Absolutely :star:

For ‘I have no children’, um, off the top of my head I’d probably expect to hear ‘Does dim plant gyda fi’ or ‘does gyda fi ddim plant’, something along those lines :sunny: