Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages

I have a mental image of all of us on this thread as small children in the back of a car.
Are we nearly there yet?

Are we nearly there yet?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


But are we nearly nearly there yet?


It really does have that kind of feel to it :joy: :heart:

So, latest news - we have got both the apps submitted, just waiting for approval from Google/Apple - we think the web-app is just about ready to share, but we found a hiccup with it recognising subscriptions right at the tail-end of last week - we believe it should be a very quick fix, but are waiting for confirmation that it’s been implemented :slight_smile:

The only other thing is that we are having some hiccups getting the southern Welsh content into the new format - as of right now, we’ve only got Level 1 for southern - the dev team would love to have this solved before we let anyone in, but I’m telling them that our forum users are mostly keen to be playing with new stuff…

We currently have French and Spanish up and running (and a little snippet of Irish). If we get the confirmation today that the subs issue has been fixed, we might be in a position to share the webapp with you tomorrow :crossed_fingers: :heart:


Cyffrous iawn! Edrych ymlaen yn arw.

Really see Greek on there some time soon? :crossed_fingers:

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I think it’s well represented in terms of LLMs, so probably within reach fairly soon, although it’s not on our first hit list - but we’re hoping once we’ve got a dozen or so released, we’ll be able to put more resources into building faster… :crossed_fingers: :slight_smile:


Irish? I really can’t wait.

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It really is just the tiniest of snippets at the moment - but we hope to be in a position to build a full course before too long, depending partly on how discussions go with the Irish government :slightly_smiling_face::crossed_fingers:


Oh Lord, if you’re waiting on them we’ll be here til Doomsday! Still, glad to know there’s a taster at least.

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Doomsday does appear to be one of the possibilities! But at other times there are sudden bursts of promising life, so, we’ll see…

In other news, I’m afraid today’s message is that we have one remaining hiccup happening with Stripe (which is crucial to recognising what access you’re meant to have) - we hope that will be solved today, but you never know with these fiddly things!

Okay, here’s today’s update - we’re pretty much hoping to go live from moment to moment now - the apps have been approved, the Stripe integration is working (but is running slowly for some reason, we’ve got a team looking at that).

Right now, our testers are seeing some strange hiccups in behaviour, which we think we can solve by changing the course ID details - if I point you at the web-app now, you’ll experience those strangenesses, and possibly be stuck with them even after we fix them - so it’s worth us all continuing to bite our fingernails for just a little bit longer!

We’ve also got some concerns about some of the methodological behaviour we’re seeing in the later stages of the apps, so we’re working to pin that down and see if we need some code changes, and if so, exactly what they would need to be - so the first people to come and test will need to be braced for that - but it’s also going to be massively helpful for us to have your feedback, as soon as we know that we’re not going to be making it harder for you with the unnecessary hiccups!


Super excited about learning French. I keep looking at the forum for more news. Its like waiting to open your presents on Christmas day :blush:


We’re in the same place! Catrin is dying to get going with French, and the kids have both agreed to it, so we’re waiting very eagerly indeed.

And my understanding is that we’re going for a full updated production of the French course tomorrow - which means if we can open up the web-app tomorrow or early next week, we will have French and Spanish in there already - both of which have got a LOT more content than even our full Welsh course (to which we’ll also be adding in the coming months). :slight_smile:


I just downloaded the SSI app on App Store, looks like it’s up and running?! Please add Mandarin soon!

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I’m just trying out the SSI app. It seems to work OK on my Android phone but on my iPad, I get ‘Error generating audio. Retrying in 10 seconds’. Still, never mind, it looks like we’re nearly there!

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On Android I’m getting “Invalid user - register for free” when I try to sign in. (I haven’t tried registering anew with the same address SSi have for me, but I assume that’s only likely to complicate things.)

I still can’t see any sign of the new app on Google play :frowning:

@sophie-reardon-smith I couldn’t, either - in the end I found it from the tab for the old app, by clicking on the link for “SaySomethingIn” as publisher. I think it matters whether you spell it with spaces, or not. But anyway - here’s a link


I was able to install the app with your link, and just like you I can’t log in. But this behaviour is kind of expected, because as @aran explained, the new system is still in its testing stages, with only a few people able to access it while the last technical hiccups are resolved.

Likewise, I was able to install the app using the link.
When I went to log in using my email address (rather than the other options of Google or Facebook) I had a dialog box saying that I needed to verify my email address and to click on the link in the email that I had been sent.
No email arrived so I clicked on the ‘Resend’ and was logged in instantly.
Now exploring…


Yeah, that’s why I didn’t flag Kinetic or Rich at this point - it’s all a bit tantalising, but I’m assuming that they’re on the case. I’ll start whinging if everyone else can get in & I still can’t!