Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages

I’m also very excited about this! I’ve been waiting for the day when I can brush up on my French and Italian with SSI!!!


Hooray, Mandarin, Korean and Japanese at last!

Nearly time to subscribe again :slight_smile:


Will there be seperate apps for different languages or will it be a bit like duolingo in that you could potentially access all languages from just the 1 app?

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The language choices will appear in the one AutoMagic style app, so you’ll be able to dip in and out to your heart’s content :slight_smile:


How exciting. It will be great to start re-learning all the French I once knew and now forgotten


Latest update coming to you via a firmly clenched set of teeth:

We only got through to the very beginnings of internal testing last week, and we’ve got some ‘makes your head explode’ fiddly things going on with how we get new content into the app successfully - we hope we’re very close to solving that, but it’s the kind of fiddly work that we simply can’t guarantee will be solved as quickly as we hope.

Part of me wants to say that since it won’t now be this coming week that we do the limited release launch, it’s extremely likely to be next week - but a larger and more sensible (and frustrated!) part of me feels as though I’ve been saying a version of that for most of the last five years, so I don’t really want to say it ever again.

As soon as the content is behaving itself properly, we’ll pull the trigger on a fairly bleeding edge app experience and invite you in to come and help tiptoe through the exploding bits with us.

But as to when exactly that day will be - I can’t face making any more promises. And Catrin and I are off to Devizes/Kent/Paris on Tuesday, back on the 20th - and I really want to put my face in a warm towel and pretend none of this deadline-shifting stuff is happening while we’re away :wink:

But I’ll keep you tightly in the loop - I’ll be getting daily updates, and whenever they’re more interesting than ‘no, not yet’, I’ll share them with you :slight_smile:

When it finally does launch, you’ll be able to find me huddled in a corner somewhere weeping with uncontrollable relief (and probably swigging too much prosecco) :joy:


Today’s update swings the pendulum back in a slightly more positive direction!

I’m told that we’re optimistic we’ll have operational versions of French and Spanish in the app tomorrow - and that also tomorrow we’re expecting to give our testers access to the app running off the live database - and that (and I quote!):

‘After a short whirl on that we will press the button for Approval from the stores’…

Which means that against all expectations, this week is now looking not impossible again!

But our superb CTO has had another extremely good idea, which is to give you access to the web-app first (which doesn’t have to wait for app store approval). It will be almost the same experience - it uses the same codebase - so that is probably the first step, before the limited release in the app stores. :slightly_smiling_face:

So all of a sudden, it really is worthwhile keeping an eye on this thread most days now :wink:


Latest update - we have a problem to solve with Apple registrations, which we think is about database size and hope to solve quickly - otherwise, we’re expecting to be adding Spanish tomorrow, and testing everything - when Rich is confident, we’ll open the doors to the web-app :partying_face::heart:


I was able to download the app again, which is working for Spanish. Does this mean the other languages are not far behind? Well done with your bull headed determination to keep pushing on, by the way.


Thank you! :rofl:

Are you using the new app as a trial user? I’m seeing Spanish showing in there for the first time - and yes, that does suggest the others won’t be too far behind - fingers crossed!


I’ve got Spanish and two Welsh (North and South.) I assume I am a trial user, it popped up on my phone when I logged onto the website, didn’t say it was a trial, just offered me to download the app. It’s working fine.

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How do I get to be a trial user? I have logged on but there’s nothing about the app showing on there. Itching to have a go at the French course as soon as possible!


What is the latest on the Automagic French


Just back from our holidays late last night, and I’m going to be catching up with the current state of play today - I’ll update in here as soon as I’ve got a clear idea, but from the first set of notes I’ve seen, things are looking very encouraging :slight_smile:


Right, just had a terrific catch-up conversation with our superb CTO - while Catrin and I have been lazing around on the banks of the Seine, the team here has been flat out fixing some fiddly problems that arose as we switched from the test environment to the live database - they all seem to be fixed now, and we’ve got our team of testers running through all the possible device/system options to check that we’re right about that - and we’ve also got all the Welsh content to transfer to the new system - so that looks like being a good chunk of hard work for this week, and then we hope that the Apple/Android apps will be ready for us to launch next week.

If they’re NOT ready, we’ll go ahead next week and make the new web-app available for our forum users to start testing - as long as you know that you’re in ‘bleeding edge’ territory! At that point, the new French and Spanish courses will be available in the new web-app, and we might even have one or two other new languages ready as well :slight_smile:




Looking forwards to my investment in SSi over the last 6-or-so years paying off and getting stuck into more language-learning!

Very happy to test things “on the bleeding edge” and eager to test/quality-check any further content in the future too :+1:


Hello! Absolutely loving all the SSI languages in here! Thank you so much for all the work you guys put in! I was so happy to hear that new languages are coming up. Could I ask when Tamil can be expected to come on board? The last I heard was September but could be a little later? I’m so excited to get going with it! Thanks!


I’m not sure what the latest state of play is on Tamil - we’ve got some partnership requests for English-for-Tamil speakers which we need to prioritise, but that gets is close to being ready for Tamil-for-English speakers… I’ll have an ask and get back to you :slightly_smiling_face:

@Cymdraegwn it’ll be fantastic to have your feedback, starting as of next week :partying_face:


Hi. Anything?

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