Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages

Shwmae Aran

Are you still on target for a July launch. Been learning French for a bit but can’t wait for the SSIFrench course!

Cofion gorau



My latest understanding (as of this morning!) is that the new French content has been successfully uploaded and is operating in one test environment but not in another - which should mean a simple fix, apparently!

We’re still waiting to be able to go live with the API - fingers very much crossed that it will indeed be ready by the end of the month - if it isn’t, we might need to look at adding some tech resources to get it solved - but it shouldn’t, as I understand it, be a very long piece of work :slightly_smiling_face:


So I’m now hearing that the new French content is up and running successfully - and that we’ve solved for the API challenges - and that means that it looks as though next week is the ‘ticking off the last few practical steps’ - which are all straightforward.

So we are now absolutely on the verge of being to go live in the app stores (to an initially limited number of people, so that we get a chance to be sure that it’s all behaving properly before we open the gates entirely) :slight_smile:


Just marking my interest here so I can be one of the first testers. Very excited. Is it just French? (I’m already fluent.)

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French is what we’ve been doing the operational testing with, but we’re hoping to be able to add Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Mandarin, Japanese and Korean pretty quickly after going live with French :slightly_smiling_face: And then we’re hoping to add at least one or two new languages every month after that :crossed_fingers::slightly_smiling_face:


Fantastique! Can’t wait to try it out.


Looking forward to this! I would love to try the French out. After completing SSiW, be great to try the same in French. Love the content. Where would we find it?

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It’ll be in the app stores for Google and Apple :slightly_smiling_face:

We’re going to be right down to the wire on this, but I currently have access to the French course in the trial app, and I understand that we’re good to go with the operational readiness work, so it’s looking like a soft, limited numbers launch next week :grin::grin:

And there’s a fighting chance that the beta content for Spanish, Italian and Portuguese will be in the test app today :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


This is all very exciting news. Sorry if you have said already and i missed it but, will the content be available in Welsh from the the launch or will that be something that you bring in later?

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Sorry - when you say ‘available in Welsh’, do you mean that the Welsh course will be in the new app, or do you mean that the new languages will be available to learn through the medium of Welsh? :slight_smile:

I’ve just been in our Monday morning meeting - and we currently have a French course in the test app which is operating well - needs some small fixes here and there, but is already (in my opinion) better than previous courses of ours in terms of pacing (which is our most complex challenge) - we’re going to have massive additions to the Spanish course available today as well…


We’re all feeling a little cautious about opening the doors - we’ve got a final set of fixes for the app which are meant to be arriving tomorrow, and the team wants a little time to test them internally before making them available in the app stores.

So, not for the first time, we’re going to miss a deadline!

But - for the first time! - we’re only going to miss it by a couple of days. Which is unusually exciting!

We think that we will have everything ready-to-go as of tomorrow - and we’ll then spend the rest of the week testing it as comprehensively as we can - and then next week (yes, that’s a promise, unless anything explodes!) we’ll be doing a limited release (I think it’s to a maximum of 1000 users) in the app stores…

At which point I’ll set up some new threads per language, and it would be enormously helpful to have your troubleshooting input on everything.

From next week on, we’ll be looking to launch at least one new language per week, so things are going to become increasingly entertaining :slight_smile:



That sounds great, I’ll be happy to give feedback on a thread in the forum when the app is out.


Oops sorry, I meant to ask if it will be available through the medium of Welsh. Maybe it would do me good to brush up on my English too :upside_down_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Getting them all available through the medium of Welsh is slightly fiddly, and a couple of steps beyond where we are right now - but it is very much the next target on the list - it’s a little trickier to predict what the publishing schedule will look like - but I’d be quietly confident we’ll have our first couple (French and Spanish) available to learn through the medium of Welsh by the end of the year - and once we’ve got the model working, we’ll be able to add others on a regular basis - fingers crossed one new language per week through the medium of Welsh, eventually. :slight_smile:


I’m so looking forward to this as an opportunity to get back into my Welsh and Spanish which I’ve neglected for too long.

But I’m also tempted on giving French a go. I have a French colleague in my department so I’m curious to see how quickly I can go from a standing start to simple conversations with them.


It would be really interesting to hear how you get on with that @ianblandford, and nice to see you’re still around :slight_smile:


I’ll keep you posted, Deb!

I’ll try and keep a diary of my progress. See how many lessons I can do in quick succession before my brain melts :smile:


My automagic app is showing a blank screen. Is this related to the new rollout? Can I a cess an updated app anywhere? Pleeeeze?

I’d be very happy to test/use the French content, Aran- have sent you a dm.

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Hi @mary-8

I am tagging @Kinetic on this - we are working through just a few specific cases after the upgrade.

Thanks for your patience.



Thanks. I’ve found I can still access my content on the website, so should be okay til the app is working again.