Big news - exciting times - finally, finally we're moving on other languages

Ahhhhhh It works!!!
Thank you for the link @RichardBuck


I downloaded the app and all looks good so far, I’m excited to use this to improve my French and Spanish. I have 2 questions please:

  1. The French course is not in the web version. Please advise when this will be added?
  2. I am already 8 hours into Spanish on the web version but on the App I start from the beginning. Please advise if there will be a synchronisation between the Web and App versions?


I’m in now, in the same way as @SteakAndEggs. The things I did in between it not working and it working - possibly none of these made any difference, and it was all server-side, but pwy a ŵyr? - were (i) changed my old password to something slightly more complex, in case the new app had changed its requirements; (ii) went ‘Back’ from the login screen to choose North Welsh for English speakers (ie an existing course for me instead of a new one); tried again & it worked - and now that I’m in, I’m able to explore the new content.
@Hendrik - see if you can now get in, or if trying either/both of those steps gets you in.

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I also got in in the meantime. What seems to have worked for me was going into the settings on the (old) web-based AutoMagic and “update” the password to the one I thought it was all along. :man_shrugging:
So far it all seems to work nicely :+1: (Progress was not carried over, but that makes sense, as the newest iteration of the material is slightly different, as far as I can see)
I had a weird glitch with @aran 's (first?) interlude (about our brain)… I used the skip button while it was playing (as I have heard that segment a few times now across various incarnations of the course), and I got a new word/phrase sure enough, but right after that, the same interlude started playing again. That time, I let it play out, so now the App should have marked it as “heard”. Cawn weld :wink:

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Ah, yes - I forgot that bit. I changed it on the website, then logged out of the old Automagic & back in with the new password, and then did the new app. Something about syncing passwords on databases, perhaps.

Right: this one is for @aran and/or @Kinetic: if we come across anything odd or problematic in the new app, is there somewhere sensible (a new forum thread?) where you’d like stuff noted? (I’m afraid I might have something for you in the French…)

Hi all,

Ha, ha, so you found it :grin::star2:… ultimately in order to test whether it truly works in the Live environment we have to test it in, er, a live environment. :slightly_smiling_face:

So this is a final test version to see whether everything still works ‘live’.

We have discovered a couple of things actually, so I know you have been extreeeeemely patient but please continue to bear with us as we do these final tweaks.

We will be in the market for any comments that are going - just give us a day or so to sort out a revised version to clear up what we have found - then it’s a Go situation!

We are nearing the end of what has turned out to be a fiddley old process…with a lot of changes required behind the scenes to make this App possible - certainly the biggest system change SSI has ever done.

However we are on the road to some very exciting times!

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


( in particular @RichardBuck the version of the French that you can see is already superceded :wink:)


Yes, well done to the various sleuths for finding (and sharing!) an app that isn’t meant to be live yet! :rofl:

And that’s why you’re having problems - mostly things that we were waiting to be sure were solved before opening the doors…

I would personally tend to recommend that you uninstall and wait for confirmation (this week!) that we’re actually ready to open the doors - that will certainly lead to a much better user experience for you! :slightly_smiling_face::heart:


All seems to work on my iPad apart from North Welsh which displays the ‘Error generating audio. Retrying in 10 seconds’ error message.

Yep, it is pretty much there, for sure…but we are just mopping up these issues - we know about this one for example. :+1:



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If we’re all excessively keen, I can but say, you have only yourself to blame. Chdi sydd ar fai!


Interesting everyone is just now finding the new app. I found it 3 days ago and was wondering why no chatter here.

Anyway, I tried the Irish Demo. I know it’s just a demo and may not represent a normal course but it seemed to move quickly with little repetition. So, I tried the Revisit button. I got a Downloading animation. The app then proceeded to prompt for vocabulary not yet introduced by the app. I was hitting Pause a lot and I accidentally hit Revisit again. Now the app just threw me to the wolves. The app was completely confused as to what point in the course I had actually completed.

So, when the app gets the final approval, can it be reset so it’s starts at the beginning again?

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Hi @craigf

The Irish was included in the initial bundle as something which was in the region of ‘a bit of fun’ - an idea of the sort of things that miflght be coming down the line if you like.

However, it was generated a long time ago and doesn’t represent the current output of the course generation process.

We will reflect on the feedback as to whether including it is wise - it was under discussion anyway.

A new Irish course in the future would start from the beginning.

Rich :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks Rich. I thought that might be the case. No problem.


For reference (bc it may already have been fixed in the update, or at least be on the radar, but just in case): my French issue was that just after introducing “avec toi” for “with you”, the two voices (and the on-screen text) both randomly added “toi avec” (untranslated) before moving on to “maintenant”.


I don’t know if this is helpful or it’s part of the testing and you already know, but I’m definitely stuck in a loop on the French.

‘you want a cup of coffee or tea’ is the first sentence of the section


Eeeh! It’s working. I had to reset my password, but I can see the Irish demo and French. I speak both languages well, and appreciated the accuracy of the accents, (the French is a lot better than mine, which is a weird mix of Irish Anglophone and Lourdais, sorry.) Though there were a couple of slightly weird sounding words introduced in the Irish which seemed to be computer generated, it probably isn’t a huge issue, since any confusion did seem to be immediately corrected by native sounding speakers (they got the slender r correct, which I was pleased and impressed by. I know people who are fluent from school who can’t get it right.)

I’m also liking the belt system; it seems a good way for people to gauge their progress. However, although I’m a very long term paying member of SSIW the app doesn’t recognise that, so I won’t be able to test anything beyond the white belts. Also my progress in Spanish isn’t showing up. (Otherwise I would have gone further in the French in order to check out higher levels, and hopefully improve my accent so I don’t sound like a comedy extra on French TV.


Diolch! :rofl::wink:

Very glad people are having encouraging moments, but yes, as Rich said above, you’re all dancing with fire ( and WILL have unsatisfying hiccups) until such time as Rich says ‘okay, this is the actual thing’ :slightly_smiling_face: