I am going to be visiting Wales in October (6-20). We’ll be staying in Bangor. I would love to plan a meetup with other SSiW learners there if at all possible! Or if there was already a local group I could join, that would be lovely!
Hi Sarah
Dwi’n byw yn Ynys Mon a wedi bod yn dysgu Cymraeg am un deg wyth mis efo SSiW. Fyddi bod diddoral I cyfarfod efo’ ch chi.
Hope that makes sense.
Helo, dw i’n byw ym Mhangor. I would love to meet up. As far as I know there isn’t currently a ‘Bangor meet-up’ so perhaps we should start one.
@lisahandcock I’m so glad you replied! We should definitely start one Do you have thought as to a location (cafe or pub or …) that might be good to have it in, at least this time?
@laraine It does make sense. My written Welsh is just not that good, but I’m so glad you replied. Hopefully in the next week or so we can work out a place and time to cyfarfod!
Dw i’n bwy ym Mhenmaenmawr a mi fydda i licio amuno chi ym Mangor. Be am Pontio i cyfafrod? Yn ymyl Prifysgol agor:
- Monday - Friday: 12pm - 7.00pm
- Saturday: 10.30am - 7pm
- Sunday: 12pm - 5.30pm
Thank you! I think Nia is looking into this.
@Pengwen @lisahandcock @laraine
We are going to be meeting at 2 pm, Sunday October 17th at:
Pontio, Deiniol Rd, Bangor LL57 2TQ
Nia has set it up I hope that works for you!
Definitely yes. I’ll see you there.
Christine and I will aim to make the pilgrimage to the big city from down here in Pen Llyn, too. Among other things it’ll give us a chance to try out the community-run electric car, though of course that’s a secondary consideration to meeting up with you all, and especially with Sarah. If anyone wants a gentle 2-hour walk down here next Thursday afternoon with a largely Welsh-speaking walking group, please let us know. It’s a bit late for today, I’m afraid, but we’ll be meeting in the car park at Trefor today at 1 00.
Perhaps a bit late to put in a plug for the community-owned- and -run self-catering rooms in a well-appointed building inside the town walls of Caernarfon: Llety Arall, just yards away from the castle? A great place to practice your Welsh!
Os oes gynnoch chi le am gatecrasher i’ch parti chi, mae’n debyg y fedrwn i ddod hefyd …
If you have space for a gatecrasher to your party, I’d probably be able to come too …
Dwi’n byw yn Llanrug, 7 milltir i ffwrdd o Fangor
I live in Llanrug, 7 miles away from Bangor
Just seen this post and looking to meet up. Is there a meeting in November? Diolch
Newydd gweld y post yma ac yn Gobeithio cyfarfod I ymarfervsiarad Cymraeg. Ydach ch’n cyfarfod rhyw dro mis Tachwedd?
I’d likely to join some meet ups but just started so won’t be able to say much!!!
Hello Rebecca,
We had our first meeting last Thursday. There were only three of us but we really enjoyed it so are meeting again on Thursday (18th November). We met at the Gaerwen Arms, Gaerwen, Anglesey and found this ideal as there’s plenty of room and it was quiet. Hope to see you there on Thursday at 2.30.
Hello Rebecca,
Still unsure about the technical side of the forum! Hope you get this. There’s a meeting next Thursday at the Gaerwen Arms, Gaerwen at 2.30. Hope to see you there.
Once someone has posted in a thread, they usually receive email notification of replies in the same thread, so with any luck (if it didn’t go into spam!) @rebecca-cordingley will have been alerted to your response.
The way you can really make sure though is by typing a @ symbol then starting the person’s forum name. You’ll get a choice of names shown to you so you can select the one you want. That definitely sends them an email letting them know there’s a post directly for them