AutoMagic Welsh is here!

Hi Susan - we’ve got some proofreading to do to make sure that the text is consistent with some tidying up we did for Levels 1 and 2 for AutoMagic - we’d originally said (to ourselves!) that we’d have that done, so I’ll follow up on it and see how things are getting along… :slight_smile:

Seem to be having problems with Automagic again keeps saying media not available

Really sorry about that - @lewie @Kinetic could someone have a look at this, please? :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the experimental video mode. Unfortunately, it does have less content available than the regular audio-only mode. Just click on Settings, and toggle “Show video” to off.

Fab thanks. I’m on 11 hours, so I’ve just turned off the video, this seems to have resolved the issue. Any idea if or when it will have the additional videos added?

Please help ! I am on week 10 in auto magic and love it . This week I am getting buffering and NO Welsh , only the English part. Spent 2 hours with BT and they say BB is fine . Same issue on all 3 devices in the house . It comes up as ‘Media not recognised’ when the Welsh is due to come on . It was already buffering a bit last week . Now I am getting very behind.

Very sorry indeed to hear about this, Sallie - thank you so much for letting us know - I’m going to tag @lewie who will be able to help :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey Sallie - thanks for letting us know! I’ve got a few questions just to try to narrow down what the problem might be:

  • Did you experience any similar problems before this week?
  • What devices do you have?
  • is “Media not recognized” the exact error message? (if you could send a screenshot that would be super helpful)

In haste as have to catch a bus. Yes, no media found’. Have tried on 3 devices, lap top , tablet and large new computer in study . Get the English , shows it loading the Welsh , freezes and if I click on and off , back to next Welsh . Has got increasingly worse over a few weeks, but now can’t access at any time . back this evening . No time to do screen shot, sorry.
Diolch Sallie H

Ah… yes, you’re in the same situation as was reported above. You’re using the video mode and have exhausted the content available in video mode - if you switch to audio-only (go to settings and turn off “Show Video”), you’ll be able to carry on!

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I had purposely gone for video mode as it is so helpful to see the text and see the pronunciation .
I felt I was making much more progress seeing the text than on audio only. Quite disappointed …Let me know if you are doing more video text as for a lot of learners the visual is useful .

Sallie H

Very helpful feedback, Sallie - diolch!

Sorry - I phrased that poorly - the text still shows by default in audio mode (so if you just turn off video, you’ll still get the text).

Generating more video content is in the queue to be done soon. But since that mode is experimental, it tends to have to wait behind more pressing things like getting Level 3 loaded into AutoMagic!

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That is great news ! Thanks. I didn’t realise I could turn the vide off and still see the text…which is the important bit for me. Am also doing a class for reading and writing in Welsh which is why the text is so good with the speaking . S. H


How do you get out of the Automatic mode and back to the challenges please?? I can’t see how to do it. Diolch yn fawr.

You can go to, or from AutoMagic, you can click on the SSi logo at the top left corner of the screen :slight_smile:

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Hi, just wondering if there’s any optimum time for using automahic atm?.. so what would be too short and it is there any ideas on too long? I have logged that I’m struggling with no markers in the ground as it is supposed to be a “game” but there’s no check points, progress bar, stars for achievement. If I keep popping in and doing ten mins will I just be redoing practise or will it progress. I know I can speed it up or slow i down but I can’t actually mark anything as needs more wrote. ADHD I need to see what I need to say or I’d switch to the old main course, just to have completed challenges

@karyn-b the optimum time is very individual. It’s what you find suits you best, to be honest. Some people like to do long sessions - 30 minutes or more at a time - others prefer shorter sessions, perhaps more frequently. It depends on how busy your day is as well - how much time you can fit in.

The Tech Team is currently working on a system of allowing you to see progress - a little like karate belts - but that’s still under development at the moment. AutoMagic is designed to pick up from where you stopped and carry on from there, so it won’t go back and repeat exactly what you’ve done, but if you have the Feelings gauge set to more repetitions, it will give you more practice of previously presented structures and words.

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Any news on when the third course will be uploaded to Automagic? Absolutely loving going through it again for a second time in this new way. I’m getting through it pretty quickly and worried it’s going to run out of new material in a few weeks (on ten hours currently and have been using for about a week or so). Thanks a lot, Doug

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And it’s the southern one I’m doing- thank you

I’m 4 hours 45 minutes into it and I’m really enjoying it

It’s amazing how much is actually sticking in my brain! The one question I have is how long is the entire AutoMagic course? I hope it goes on forever, but I realise it won’t!