AutoMagic Welsh is here!

wnaeth fy mrawd gyfarfod and well iddi hi ofyn i ti are the last two phrases that are introduced. I dont think they have come up before. I am on 10 hours 4 minutes.

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I’ve done 3:45, which is about halfway through challenge 6 with the material, which is about 3:45 through the course material. I’ve been on dragon speed the whole time because I’m on challenge 18. It seems to me that dragon speed should go faster than the course, but it’s not really. I mean, it sort of is because Catrin speaks much slower and there have been more breaks to talk about brains and mistakes, so there has been a little bit less content, but it has taken the same amount of time.

I’m likely to continue doing it this way, as I’m far enough that it’s not completely boring and I think maybe it’s actually good for me to go over it a second time because it’s all so much easier this time around.

But I do wish Dragon were just a hair faster.

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I do love the constant steam instead of lessons. I’ve been doing so much more. Not feeling like I should do a whole lesson means that I do 5-10 minutes here and there but also have gone for over an hour today when I would have stopped after one 40 minute lessons. I

It’s kind of like when you don’t want to watch a whole movie so instead you watch 3 episodes of a show when a movie would’ve been shorter.


Diolch, Joshua - very glad to hear that, it’s definitely a significant part of what we were aiming for!

We’re working on a solution which will replace the ‘how are you feeling’ settings, which should save you from ever feeling that things are going too slowly :slightly_smiling_face:

@denise-6 that sounds as though you’re at about the equivalentb of the old challenge 12/13 - which is dramatically less stressful in AutoMagic! :partying_face:

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Diolch. I am not far off the end of Level 1 now - should i move on to Level 2 when ive done Challenge 25 or just stay with Automagic until it runs out?

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I’m told all of the Level 2 content should be in AutoMagic by the end of next week, so your timing is perfect - I’d just carry on with AutoMagic if I were you :slight_smile:

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Diolch - one hopefully last question (especially relevant as you dont appear to be able to rewind on Automagic) - is there any written version of the sentences used for future reference?

Hi Denise! We’re going to be bringing a ‘revisit’ function to AutoMagic in about a month or so - but in the meantime, no, we try hard to encourage people not to write stuff down - we believe it reduces the effective learning by taking some of the pressure off the need to speak - when you can’t remember a particular word or structure, that’s just because your brain hasn’t finished the learning process yet - we’ll keep on bringing it back for revision automagically, and you’ll get it in the end :slight_smile:

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You might already be aware of this, but when I got to about level 17/18 in content, and then continuing on for some time, frequently for new content on the gog course Catrin’s recordings don’t play correctly. Only the beginning or end will play.

Also, I’d love a little flag I could tap if something I’m struggling with comes up that will make it use those patterns more frequently, it sounds like that’s maybe what you’re describing?

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Hey Joshua - thanks for calling that out! If you notice this again, can you flag up specifically which utterance isn’t playing correctly? I’m randomly touching down at various points in the area that you indicate (correlating with Level 1, Challenge 17 / 18), but not hearing any problems with Catrin’s utterances, so any additional details that you can provide would be a huge help! Diolch!

wnest ti wylio bach o deledu ddydd Gwener? Lots around here but it started before this, maybe I’m further than I realized.

Yes … that puts you around Challenge 20 (possibly end of 19). Anyway, diolch! I’m hearing a very different quality to Catrin’s recordings there. I’m hearing the whole utterance, but the fact that they sound very different is at least a big clue to explore further here.

Yes I noticed many sound odd, many are missing parts entirely

ddylwn i ddim gofyn achos dydy hi ddim yn licio fo, Catrin’s voice just said ddylwn i ddim gofyn and stopped

How much is on automagic at this point? I haven’t had any new phrases in a while, the most recent ones were from Level 2 challenge 5

My understanding was that we would have the whole of Level 2 about a week ago - @lewie will be able to update :slight_smile:

Awesome! Please don’t think I’m being impatient, I just wondered if it was something wrong or if I should just switch to the challenges for a while

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Not at all! It’s super helpful to get this kind of feedback :star2::partying_face::clinking_glasses:

Writing as someone who did the structured Levels and Courses a while ago… I decided to check out AutoMagic out of curiosity, and I was most impressed. As someone for whom visual input strengthens my audio learning, the subtitles and those lovely speaking faces would definitely have helped me to learn quicker.
Great work, and best of luck with its ongoing implementation.


I decided to take your advice and continue with Auto Magic rather than go onto the original Level 2. Like Baruch as quite a visual learner, I like to be able to glance at the subtitles occasionally, if I think i have misheard the when Catrin speaks.
2 questions - Is the subscription the same for Automagic as for the Levels?
Is there a way to stop the e mails that relate to the challenges as I feel quite stressed knowing I wont be signing them off as done as Im no longer doing them.