App issues

Hmm. The only thing I’ve knowingly changed is that the old site.* URLs now redirect to the same path on www.*. I don’t see why sessions should be returning 404, but since I didn’t write the API originally, I would have to check it for myself. On my phone at the moment with limited battery so will have to check it as soon as I can get sensible wifi (\shakes fist at Eisteddfod organisers\)

As of a couple of days ago, my Android phone won’t update the lessons. Have sent the automatic crash reports.

The Android app is a little broken at the moment. It needs to be updated to cope with some recent changes made to the website.

Thanks, James.

Hi Ifan - have you had a chance to investigate this yet?

Sorry, completely slipped my mind post-Eisteddfod :S

A GET request to returns 404 because there’s no ‘index’ method in the API’s Sessions controller, so that would never have worked. However, a POST request should have done (to create a new session), because that’s mapped to the ‘create’ method, which does exist.

What I think might be happening is, it’s trying to POST to /api/v1/sessions on, which redirects to, at which point it tries again but as a GET request.

I’m not sure why this should be happening, because I put an explicit rule into the web server config to allow anything with the string “SSIW” in its User-Agent to use the domain, without getting redirected.

Is it possible that the Android app is using a different User-Agent string to the iPhone one?

I’ve also just changed the redirect to use HTTP 307 (with which, according to, “the request method is not allowed to be changed when reissuing the original request”).

The Android app has never supplied a value for User-Agent.

Setting it to SSIW fixes the redirect problem.

Once I’ve figured out how to submit form data using the newer java API we should be back in business…

Okay, so it’s taken 16 days, but the app appears to be working again.

Since the start of our somewhat long running test cycle Google have been busy and come up with a newer (and slightly better) way to manage the testing of apps via the app store.

You’ll need to be a member of this Google+ community:

This in turn means you’ll need to join Google+. Sorry about that, but it’s the price to pay for a slightly better way of managing test versions.

Request to join the community and once approved you’ll be able to install the app via the Play Store using this link:


Dear Aran,
Thank you for fixing the iPhone App. It now works well and has considerable advantages over the iTunes version.
Best wishes

I have been using the SSiW program for a couple years I believe. I have only just recently downloaded the app onto my iphone. Since I have my computer set to automatically sign me in, I can’t remember my password anymore. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Whenever I try to sign into the app and click on the “Forgot password” button, it doesn’t seem to register anything. Any suggestions anyone? I have tried it several times to no avail :neutral_face:

One thing you may try is using the browser on your phone (Safari, Chrome, whichever you prefer) to go the website or
Click on “login”, and right under the password field you get a “Forgot password?” link that should work!

And if the ‘forgot password’ link still doesn’t work, you could email and they may be able to help from “HQ”.

Good ideas! Thank you. I was able to get logged in. Thanks for the tips :slightly_smiling_face: