Are there other Northern California learners who would like to get together and practice?
Is Sacramento close enough?
perhaps we could meet somewhere in the middle?
Bendigedig! Efallai bydd Vacaville yn dda.
Or wherever, depending on where in the Bay Area you are located.
Yes!! I’m in the Cupertino/San Jose area, depending on all your locations maybe we can meet somewhere convenient? I’ve been hurting for practice partners–I don’t know anybody who speaks Welsh around here!
Vacaville would be good for me–I’m in Marin. But I don’t know how that would work for Nskaran in San Jose.
Yep I live in the Bay Area east bay.
Yeah Vacaville would be kind of far for me, we might have to make multiple Bay Area meetup groups since it’s such a big place. San Francisco is probably the furthest I could manage. But all of you who are closer should meet where it’s best for you!
First of all I’m very glad to see that there are fellow Bay Area local learners out there, Especially from say something in welsh. My work days are just crazy right now for a meetup but I will skype with anyone of you. And when work gets back to normal, “The meetup I’m game for that”
we could do a google hangout and then meet occasionally in person since we’re scattered around the bay area.
I’m in San Jose, so if anyone else comes across this i’d love to meet up with other learners in the area or do something on Google Hangouts/Skype!
Ricardo, have you been sent an invitation for our speaking practice Slack group? There are a few US based people on that already…
Nope, I haven’t received an invitation to that, but that would be great! Even if it’s just once or twice a week, it’d be nice to have a more measurable feeling of progress
If you email with WSP in the title and your name in the body of the email, we’ll get an invitation sent out asap…
I’m also near Sacramento. Absolute beginning speaker, but would love to meetup with other Welsh speakers in the area!
There are quite a few SSiWers in the US starting to get together online now through the Welsh Speaking Practice Slack community. Just send an email to with WSP as the subject and we can send you an invitation.
Thanks, Dee. I have already joined that group. And have already chatted with a couple people on there. Very friendly bunch!
Just thought it would be neat to meet up in person if anyone was close enough, or interested.
I’ll pop a note in today’s newsletter for you and see if anyone else is around
Hi Katie - unfortunately I haven’t been active on the forum for a while, but I’d be happy to meet up or even just chat on the phone. And apparently I also need to check on the Slack community! Just PM me when you are ready to chat.