Thanks Dee!
Jason, I sent a message to you… At least I tried! Not completely confident with my forum skills.
Thanks Dee!
Jason, I sent a message to you… At least I tried! Not completely confident with my forum skills.
Are the Santa Cruz Mountains close enough to count for the Bay Area?
There are so many beautiful/fun things to do and see in this area… maybe we could meet someplace for a mini Cymraeg flash-mob of sorts. Just three or four meeting somewhere “randomly” and speaking Welsh would be great fun.
The train museum in Sacto. Almost anything in The City (SF). A nature hike somewhere on the coast… Even the Beach / Boardwalk. Or a rugby match! The trick would be to stay “in the language” at the get together.
I’m interested!! Train museum in Sacramento is very accessible to me and San Francisco is doable!!
hello are you still interested in meeting to speak Welsh?
Hi @sade and @katie-13 ~ This sounds like fun! I have been afk for a bit, but getting back to my Cymreag lately.
Any suggestions for time & place?
Shwmae @sade, @katie-13, @jasoncrow a @leslieann ! I live in San Francisco and would love to meet other Welsh learners in the area.
I’m having transportation issues at the moment, but if I can get that worked out, I’d love to participate in the future since I’m just over in Sacramento.
How about an initial zoom meet up instead in person, and then graduate to in person ?
And some introductions:
My name is Sâde rhymes with Wade ( he/him/his) pronouns
I was born and raised in South Wales and have been living in the Bay area for 20 years
I learnt Welsh at school and am relearning Welsh through this online course
Dw i ddysgu Cymraeg achos Dw i’n caru Cymru
I’d love to hear your intros - please add them to the thread
Opening this back up again! Shall we try and meet in january?
Prynhawd da!
Just a quick note to let all SSiW meet-up group organisers and coordinators, know that I have taken responsibility for the weekly email over from Deborah. So if you have any updated information about the group you’re responsible for, please let me know and I’ll ensure the correct info goes in the email. Diolch!
Anyone still in the SF Bay Area - I’m near Cupertino and would love to meet up to practice !