A few days ago, while doing a search in the Forum I accidentally came across an old post of mine 3 months after I had started learning Welsh with SSiW.
It was about 6 years ago, so it seemed a good moment to check how I have improved since then.
I’m sharing it here because I can see that my progress of speaking and listening was incredibly higher than after 6 years of studying English back in school, despite a common belief that learning languages as an adult is way harder.
And I have to credit very much of this success to SSiW method, and its constant reminders of “making mistakes is good” and a great way to learn!
I copy here part of my original post for comparison. It’s written with a bit of humour, and a bit of bragging - but…hey! I’m really proud of what I have achieved!
My Official Common European Framework of Reference Skills : Welsh Language
When I started SSiW (July 2018)
-Can recognize the words from their titles when listening to the songs from one record (*).
-Can identify a few sequences of sounds as possible words.
-Can repeat words and sentences, including a few tough to pronounce ones like “reit lawr i’r gwleidyddiaeth”, from the lyrics of 3 songs from one record (*)
-Can repeat sequences of sounds from a few more songs quite accurately (without any idea of what they mean).
-Can say good night to a dragon.
-Can follow and read aloud lyrics of 4 songs from one record (*) while listening to them.
-Can spell “Datblygu” and “Nos da, Draig”.
-Can copy words, one by one (without any idea of what they mean).
(*) Hwgr-Grawth-Og EP by Datblygu
3 Months later (October 2018)
-Can recognize most words from SSiW lessons (*) and a few from familiar songs, in a fluent conversation.
-Can understand random words and sentences from TV shows or in basic, slow conversations.
-Can understand simple questions.
(*) Levels 1 and 2 - Southern Welsh version, which I had completed in about 2 months
-Can build dozens of simple sentences, mostly based on SSiW vocabulary.
-Can repeat full and more complex sentences from about 40 songs.
-Can answer to simple questions.
-Can follow most songs lyrics while listening to them.
-Can understand the gist of texts on various topics.
-Can remember how to spell several sentences from SSiW vocabulary lists and from a few songs.
6 Years later (now)
-Can enjoy most S4C programmes without subtitles.
-Can follow lessons, conferences, talks and radio shows and even understand about 70% of what Tudur Owen says.
-Can travel around Wales using only Welsh, as long as I can find Welsh speaking residents.
-Can take part effortlessly in conversations with first language speakers from most parts of Wales, and have very basic conversations with Cofis.
-Can manage a 10-minute chat on Radio BBC Cymru with presenter Huw Stephens speaking to me at full speed. (**)
-Can automatically start every conversation in Welsh instead of English in England, after spending only a few days in Wales.
(**) available until 7/12/24 here for proof: Huw Stephens - 07/11/2024 - BBC Sounds
-Can read most of the news and posts on social media without a dictionary.
-Can read stories, novels and texts in various registers.
-Can write messages, postcards, short e-mails and comments on social media, although overthinking almost every word most of the times.
-Can translate sentences (*) up to level Uwch 1 without a dictionary with just a few minor mistakes without having ever done courses up to level Uwch 1.
-Can write a short essay about Welsh poetry and literature marked 70/100 by Mererid Hopwood (but took me an awful lot of time).
(*) from weekly e-mail sent on request by the tutor known on social media as Daval Donc/Mr D, for learners of all levels to practise, with self correction key
So thanks again SSiW! @aran @CatrinLliarJones (and of course @Deborah-SSi, @nia.llywelyn and so many forumists who helped me in my journey - sorry if I don’t tag you all, but you know