2016 Tresaith Bootcamp July 23-30

I’m pretty sure you’re not dreaming!

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The whole thing is shapping up for me so I’ve got a click in my head: Does anyone know for handy, not so tinny printed (or digital for that matter) and as simple as possible Cymraeg i Cymraeg (Welsh to Welsh) geiriadur?

Hi Brigitte

I’ll be coming through Aberystwyth by car - happy to give you a lift if you need one.


Hi Isata
Thank you very much for your kind offer. I’d go by bus, it’s no problem if the weather is fine, but I’d be happy to start Bootcamp already in Aberystwyth.
When would you come through Aber and where would you like to meet?

YAY! Bydd Isata fod yna hefyd! :slight_smile:


No problem at all. I’ve messaged you.

@tatjana You’re coming too! I can’t believe we’re going to meet at last. Cyffrous iawn!

If you’re looking for a digital one, Geriadur Prifysgol Cymru is excellent. It does Welsh to Welsh and Welsh to English (and vice versa). It’s available on Android and iOS.

(I hope this has worked - I’m trying to write several replies in one. I think I might have made a mess!)

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Thank you @Isata. How strange. I have that Geriadur on my tablet but never even tried to translate Cymraeg to Cymraeg … :slight_smile: Will try these days.

Yes, I am comming too. The destiny and people were nice with me these two or three months but it was all uncertain even a week ago.

No mess made especially nothing what couldn’t be mend or left as it is. :slight_smile:

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I believe we should move this conversation here …

I was happy to talk with you and @BronwenLewis today aswell. On my quick glance, you both don’t speak Cymraeg so bad so you have to be confident and not nervous. The speach and usage of structures and phrases is much more advanced and complex then mine and what’s main thing, we understood each other prefectly well. Well at least I did so.

Looking forward to meat you both and all the rest. 18 more days to go …

Dw i’n mor gyffroes am wythnos nesa nawr! Jyst un diwrnod o waith i fynd!

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Dw i’n hedfan yfory … :slight_smile:

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One last minute question …

I’ve read carefully what to bring list and went more or less along with it but I didn’t see one thing: Do I have to bring sheet too or is it provided by default. I packed it though but if it isn’t neccessary to bring I’d rather unpack it as I already have sufficient of bagage to carry. :slight_smile:


A sheet is not provided, but if you are taking a sleeping bag, you probably don’t need one. Pillows are provided, but you need to take a pillow case.

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Home again, and speaking English. And now AT LAST I can say to my fellow Bootcampers all the things that I couldn’t manage to get out in even the most mangled Welsh:

Cwtch a xxxx


Finally home. Signal failure meant I had to take a bus (the rail replacement service - I wonder if they’d be willing to take a tin of tuna as a money replacement service?) from Aberystwyth to Shrewsbury…

Thanks all for a great week.


I like to think of it as decorated Welsh. And I think we did a beautiful job.

Thank you too! Great meeting you and everyone else. It really doesn’t feel right ‘talking’ to you in English though! Wela i rai ohonoch chi at yr Eisteddfod wythnos nesa.


Diolch o galon am bopeth pawb!!! O’n i’n emosiynol ar y ffordd adre, dim achos oedd yr wythnos wedi gorffen, popeth yn dod i’r pen, ond achos roedd y traith gyda chi yn wych!!! Dwi’n mor cyffrous am yr iaith nawr!

A dwi newydd weld Margaret ar y tele!


Swmae bootcampers,. Diolch yn fawr am popeth. It was a great week even though I hardly understood anything that went on. I can now admit that when we left every morning I had little idea of where we were going or what we were going to do but I survived and had some lovely surprises. My feet are now firmly planted into yr hen iath fy nhadau. Wela I some of you at the Eisteddfod.


Of all the places they could be rooted!!! Da iawn Lynne, roeddet ti’n cwmni’n wych! Diolch!


Helo pawb.

I am still here in Wales enjoying Caerdydd and if it would be dreams, they just couldn’t be as great as reality was. It was pleasure meeting you all and I enjoyedd the company of each of you, including Iestyn’s girls. The time I will never forget in my life (gee, I’m just crying … ) the time which enabled me to see to live so much more … I’ve met one of my FB friends today who I couldn’t even dream I’ll habe the pleasure to meet in person in my life. Talking to himm about two hours totally in Cymraeg was the greatest experience of today. I feel blasted with feelins and large part orf Cymru will go with me to Slovenia. The life will never be the same again.

I’m happy I had the pleasure to meet you all. There was a lot of fun, a lot of singing, a lot of walking with a lot of helping me climbing Welsh hills by @brigitte, @BronwenLewis, @AnthonyCusack and Mark. There was great singing by @AnthonyCusack, @Iestyn, @anon86454181 and all the rest of course and … @lynne_freudigmann is the legend in deed!

And, since I’ve read some of you there on the forum were devastated BBC didn’t interview any of us … ummmm … well … we have our good excuse for that … we were just resting from all the fun. - haha. No excuse for iestyn though - he is the boss and work had to be done. :smile:.

(didn’t I say “just breafly”? Yah, that’s what you get from me when keyboard is attached to the tablet, sorry :slight_smile: )

More when I come home. See you at the Eisteddfod who will come. My T-Shirt and hat are ready … !


So, with all of you and @Iestyn, I am sure we will get a lot of pics and videos, especially of your singing and other activities!! Not while you are all busy with Yr Eisteddfod and St. Fagans or whatever, but later… pretty please!! :sunny: :smile: