Yr Ysgwrn - volunteering opportunities for Welsh learners


Are you a Welsh learner looking for a new challenge?
Are you keen to learn new skills and to socialise in a friendly setting? Why not call into our Volunteer Fair on March 2nd, 11-1pm? Contact us for more information!

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Do you think they’ll be looking for volunteers further afield (Ceredigion for instance)? If so I’d be interested.

I’ve no idea to be honest - just passing on what I get on my newsfeed. Certainly worth contacting them to ask though.

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It looks as though they specifically want people to volunteer to help at Yr Ysgwrn (Hedd Wyn’s home at Trawsfynydd). Unfortunately I’m away on that Saturday, but I might send them an email as it’s fairly local for me and I love the place. I visited before the renovations and again last summer, but it’s a very interesting place to visit.


hi margaret, did you send them an email? i’m fairly local, can’t make that date to find out more, but would like to know what opportunities are available.

I haven’t tried to contact them yet because I’m not sure whether I have time for another commitment. I’m also away from home at the moment so I was going to leave it until I get back on Saturday.

oh ok, thanks :slight_smile:

Post on FB today -
Oherwydd amodau tywydd eithafol, ni fydd Yr Ysgwrn ar agor yr wythnos hon. Ymddiheuriadau mawr am yr anghyfleustra. Mae’r ffair wirfoddoli hefyd wedi’i gohirio tan 9.30am dydd Sadwrn, Mawrth 10fed. Bydd Yr Ysgwrn yn ail-agor fel arfer ar ddydd Iau, Mawrth 8fed am 11am. Diolch! :blossom:

Due to adverse weather conditions, Yr Ysgwrn won’t be open this week. We’re very sorry for the inconvenience. The volunteer fair has also been postponed until 9.30am on Saturday, March 10th. Yr Ysgwrn will re-open as usual on Thursday, March 8th at 11am. Diolch!