Your first steps - and Welcome to the Million Speakers Project!

Helo! S’mae! Count me in.

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I love the idea of the Million Speakers Project and I’d love to be included and help in any way I can. I’m a Scottish Welsh learner living in Glasgow - I was bitten by the Welsh bug when I went to university in Llambedr Pont Steffan / Lampeter.

Someone else said on this thread (I can’t remember who it was, so sorry!) that it might be useful if non-Welsh residents were included, as it might give the Welsh government an idea of enthusiasm and love for Cymraeg outside of Wales.

A million speakers - we can do this!

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Good idea. There are at least 30 learners groups in the UK outside of Wales. See

Not to mention all the young Welsh speaking people who moved out of Wales in order to get jobs. They should all count towards the million speakers.

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I am in :+1:


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helo, Cymru am byth!

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Hi Christie, and welcome to the forum… :slight_smile:

I am in as well :slight_smile:

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Helo ,
Mae’n miliwn un nes! :mouse:

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Hi Aran, thank you! Am I right in believing that you are the voice in our challenges? :slight_smile:

If you’re doing the northern course, yup, that’s me… :slight_smile:


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How nice to meet the person behind the encouraging voice! Diolch yn fawr i ti!

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I always feel faintly guilty that you’ve probably heard FAR too much of my voice by now!

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Bore Da, I like the idea.

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Helo :blush:

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Shwmae & hallo.

As a Dutchy, i don’t know if it would be useful to even say hello for this idea, but if it would help…

Leafhuntress dw i.
Dw i’n trio dysgu siarad Cymraeg.


Helo a bore da! I’m new and I’m IN! :smiley:

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Hi. :slight_smile: Dianne Megan dw i