It is. I’m not humouring you. Over time, some words will just feel ‘right’ mutated, and you’ll realise that most of the time, they are.
You know you’re learning Welsh when your partner wakes you in the middle of the night and you can’t work out why he doesn’t understand what you’re saying - then on the third time of saying it, you realise that you’re saying it in Welsh!
When Brexit first “became a thing”, I remember a host of other possibilities being mooted:- Itexit was bandied about, Frexit was impossible and Gerexit was an unthinkability…
Talking of which-. What is the Word that sounds like Bregus? I thought it was Welsh for brexit as its often on the news, but pethaps not. Also Plismon as opposed to Heddlu. Is thst just a single bobby?
I think it was “Grexit” which started all this. Greece. But they were referring to exit from the Eurozone in that case, and not necessarily Greek exit from the EU.
Britain has never been in the Eurozone, so when the concept of “Brexit” came along, the meaning subtly changed.
Of course, the waters of politics, especially international politics, soon get muddied, especially with the press giving over-simplified and biased reports, and occasionally, downright lying.
Plismon (I’ve seen plîsmon as well, but each to his own) is too similar to Policeman to ignore… One is enough, surely?!!
Ive just found Bregus
It means: fragile, brittle, broken, decayed, rickety, weak, frail, delicate, vulnerable, insecure, also fig.
I won’t comment
A single booby is a heddwas. (Although apparently there is also “heddgeidwad”).
(“heddwas” would literally be “police lad” wouldn’t it? Doesn’t sound all that respectful).
A ceidwad is apparently a keeper, guardian, patron, preserver.
Talking of (g)was, one of my favourite expressions has become “washi” (or “wasi”), meaning roughly “my lad”. Heard it quite a bit on Rownd a Rownd, for example.
“was/gwas” also means “servant” of course (e.g. gwas sifil, gwas fferm) - so combining it with hedd (=peace/tranquility) you’d get “peace servant” - or maybe “tranquillity servant” which sounds slightly sinister…
Perhaps peace servants (keepers), I like that. I notice that workforce is gwaithlu so heddlu seems to fit.
Incidentally, it turns out the Police comes from “keeping order” as in policy for order, and the first use of the word Marine Police.
In England, there used to be “Watch Committes” whose job was to oversee policing, and appoint constables to “preserve the peace” (Wikipedia).
Edit: This is quite interesting:
I had never really given much thought to what a (historical) “night watchman” actually was.
There’s a verb as well - plismona - that’s what the heddlu does
you order tickets on the phone and hear there is the option to speak in Welsh and press the button. Then despite a complication staying in Welsh :O)
you start rolling the letter r a LOT and have friends saying “is that what they teach you on SSiW - how to have a welsh accent as well?” haha. Also when you are reading non-english words that also aren’t welsh but pronounce them as if they are!
Similarly, when you discover the “Cymraeg” option on the McDonald’s self-serve kiosks and not only use it for your own order, but “helpfully” set it to Cymraeg for the next person
!!! Oh, you are awful…but ai laik you!
(have to be of a certain age to get that properly… ).
… you find yourself pondering the oddity that pysgodyn looks masculine (singulative masculine to be pedantic) but ffish sounds feminine in its use.
In my new local siop chips, I was asked if I wanted a ffish fawr (not a ffish mawr) with my chips. Purists may complain about the lack of pure Welsh words like pysgodyn and sglodion, but the thing is that ffish (I’m spelling it with double “f” as it seems to be an assimilated word) now works like a fully Welsh word, complete with causing mutations.
Ia, ac un portion o jips hefyd, diolch
Maybe that should be porsiwn rather than portion? Or maybe not.
Pysgod seem to swim in water, but ffish seems to be aquatic meat. Unless you know otherwise?
In a similar vein, I once heard an elderly farmer asking for, “Pedair cream cakes, plîs,” in the local bakers.
Does anyone else find themselves using Welsh language passwords? Not in a contrived way, just the first word that came to mind. Well sentence, actually, as my words have got so short now.