Yet another "Don't" Variation

(As in I don’t etc)
My Welsh speaking workmate (Swansea) uses Nagyw.
Nagyw i’n gywbod - I don’t know.
Os ngyw ti’n neud goffee - If you don’t make a coffee.
Nagyw ni’n weld y plant - We don’t see the kids.
Etc, etc.

Oh, sorry John! It seems that no one came back to you with this question. :roll_eyes:

Are you still struggling with this variant? I’m not going to attempt to clarify myself as I’m northern dialect. But let us know if you need any further help. :slight_smile:

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Hi Catrin.
Wow, observant. Thanks so much - I think there were some other questions at the same time so I was happy to wait. Anthony helped me out on the SSiW FB page. :slight_smile:

So glad you got it sorted! :slight_smile:


It is a common variant of the negative in the present tense used mainly in the Swansea Valley area (Cwm Tawe) :
Nagw i - dw i ddim
Nag wyt ti - dwyt ti ddim
Nag yw e/hi - dyw e/hi ddim
Nag yn ni - dyn ni ddim
Nag ych chi - dych chi ddim
Nag yn nhw - dyn nhw ddim (‘h’ dropped in speach)



Thanks so much, Catrin & Dai. You’ve encouraged me to use this more. Also you are reminding me that I have been speaking Welsh most days now, for 4 months. :fist_right: