Wythnos Dathlu Dysgu Cymraeg 2023

15 - 21 Hydref 2023

Wythnos Dathlu Dysgu Cymraeg

Next week is a celebration of learning Welsh on Radio Cymru. Make sure you tune in and see how much you can understand.

Between 15-21 October, learners’ voices will be heard on BBC Radio Cymru as part of the Learn Welsh Celebration Week. The station’s programmes, including those of Aled Hughes, Shân Cothi and Caryl Parry Jones, have invited learners and tutors to chat about their experiences of learning Welsh, so remember to tune in.

In addition, there will be an opportunity for Intermediate, Advanced and Profiecency level learners to quiz some of the main BBC Radio Cymru presenters in a special virtual session on Monday 16 October at 7pm (see below)

Nos Lun, 16 Hydref 2023

Zoom - Cwrdd â’r Cyflwynwyr

Cwrdd â’r cyflwynwyr!

Nos Lun 16 Hydref am 7:00pm
Cyfle i fwynhau sgwrs gyda rhai o brif leisiau BBC Radio Cymru:

  • Bethan Rhys Roberts
  • Iwan Griffiths
  • Mirain Iwerydd

Sgwrs fyw ar Zoom - archebwch eich Ile nawr trwy glicio fan hyn. Yn addas i ddysgwyr Canolradd+.

Virtual Q&A with Radio Cymru presenters - for learners at Intermediate+.

There will be a special session at 3pm next Wednesday with Marc Griffiths where he chats with some of our SSiW learners.

A highlight will be the discussion with Jack Galloway who has learnt Welsh with us and now works on Ynys Enlli.

Make sure you tune in for that one, or listen to it later on BBC Sounds! Our SSiW learners are inspirational!

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