Would you like to participate in a study on language learning?

Annwyl SSiW community!

My name is Kate, I’m a SSi enthusiast, having used SSIW many years ago to start my welsh learning journey! Given my interest in language learning, I have designed my Public Health Masters dissertation to explore the the impact of learning a language on people’s well-being, quality of life and life chances. I am recruiting participants who have acquired skills in another language or who have undertaken foreign language learning, to be interviewed by remote video-conference. The admin team at SSi have kindly agreed that I may post my study information below in case any of the community is interested in taking part. Many thanks for reading. Please contact me if you would like further information or are keen to participate.


@CatrinLliarJones ar gyfer y cylchlythyr :slight_smile:


Oh, very interesting! But native English speakers and UK residents only! :sob:

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@gisella-albertini Kate has said that I don’t need to be a UK resident, so it might be worth contacting her and asking. Your English is excellent!

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Thanks! :blush:
When you click on the link above it says you must be native English speaker and UK resident, but well…I’ll just contact her and see what happens!

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