Workshops/ meet ups

Any workshops or welsh speaking groups in the blackwood area?
I am on level 3 of the SSIW app, and really need to practice and build confidence speaking in welsh.
Diolch pawb!

Hi @rhysrideout

You are very welcome to join our zoom meeting at 12 on Saturdays - if you want a chance to practice in a friendly environment. :slight_smile:

…(or anyone else for that matter.)

We have a full range of Welsh learners [ you are further progressed than some] - we also have a couple of first language speakers which is a great combination!

Personally I’m originally from Brecon, we have two Emma’s - one from Merthyr, another from Llanelli, and Geraint (first language) from Carmarthen. (There are a few Gogs too so it would be great to have some reinforcements :wink:)

Oh, and there is Huw too - who lives near Pontypool.

Virtual meet ups ar one of the few upsides to the whole pandemic thing - I’m pretty sure they will carry on for some time and continue along side physical meet ups after they restart.

So, it could be part of your portfolio :smile: - either temporary or not.

Let me know and I’ll send you the link.

Rich :slight_smile:

I would like to join (listen) in. But am only at the beginning of level 2. I am learning the south dialect. I live in Pembrokeshire.
All best,

Hi @Frannie,

Ok great! :slight_smile: I’ll send you the meeting link/ log on details via Private Message which should show as a green sblodge on your avatar (blue circle with an F in it).

Let me know if you do (or don’t) get it!

Rich :slight_smile:


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Ww, @Frannie I’ve been meaning to ask - did you get the link I sent via PM?

Rich :slight_smile:

@Frannie you were great! :+1:

Rich :slight_smile:

Diolch yn fawr iawn, ond mae angen i mi ymarfer mwy. Mae’n ddechrau… :slight_smile:

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Croeso @Frannie! Chi’n siarad yn dda iawn!

Welcome, you speak very well!

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Diolch yn fawr. Mae gen i lawer i’w wneud! Ond mae’n ddechrau… :slight_smile:

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