Why drop the 'n in Rwy'n?

Prynhawn da pawb.

BBC Cymru news online often gives rwy’n without the 'n. Why is it sometimes omitted?


It might be that the word that follows negates the need for an 'n, but it’s hard to say without context - could you give an example?

Halo Siaron,

Rwy’ angen awyr lach - I need fresh air

Rwy’ wedi ei siomi - I’ve disappointed him

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ok, so here, neither angen nor wedi can follow a yn/'n.
In the first case, angen is a noun and although it’s behaving as a verbnoun, the fact it’s a noun means it doesn’t use an yn before it.
In the second case, the wedi is acting as a past participle and is used in place of yn .


I think I understand that. So if yn isn’t involved, why bother with apostrophe?

the apostrophe after rwy is because that has been shortened from rwyf, so the apostrophe denotes the missing f.


Lovely. Thanks for explaing that.

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Rwy is its own standalone thing … the following ‘yn’ usage is separate and depends on what follows “rwy” - I am

Many present tense or doing verbs require a preceding “yn” for example

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