Who's watching "Rybish" brilliant series on S4C - and bring back "Siop Siafins"

Just watched the first episode - you can add English subtitles if you want - for those feeling “old” like me - Dyfed Thomas - who plays one of the characters used to be in a brilliant comedy I watched when I was first learning Welsh as a child - “Siop Siafins” - I’ve asked the BBC if they’d replay it but they’re saying they’re not planning to - if a few others asked maybe they would - very funny - nothing on youtube to remember it other than an art installation picture on Conwy castle a while back.
Watch “Rybish” S4C - fun program/series

Newydd gwylio’r pennod cyntaf o’r gyfres. - fedrwch i adio is teitlau Saesneg os eisioes.
Am y rhai sy’n teimlo’n “hen” fel y fi mae Dyfed Thomas yn Cymeriad yno fo - y roedd o’n Cymeriad ddoniol iawn dwi’n cofio o’r rhaglen Siop Siafins yn y gorffenol. Dwi’n meddwl buasai’n neis i “Siop Siafins” dod yn ol ar y teledu fel cyfres - dwe wedi gofyn wrth y BBC os y roedd o’n bossib i ail chwarae fo ond maent wedi ddweud nid i’w yn ei gynllun ar hyn o bryd. Os mae eraill yn gofyn efallai mae’n nhw dwi’n meddwl - ddoniol iawn - dim byd ar youtube amdan y rhaglen ar wahan i osodiad celfyddydol ar wal castell Conwy dipyn yn ôl.
Gwylio "Rybish beth bynnag - rhaglen/cyfres hwylus.


Dwi 'di mwynhau 'Rubbish", mae raglen doniol iawn. Mi o’n i 'n gwybod amdana Dyfed Thomas o’r blaen, felly mi wnes i isio weld y cyfres.


Diolch am ateb Sara - falch bod ti’n hoffi “Rybish” hefyd - Dwi’n edrych ymlaen i’r rhaglen nesaf yr wythnos yma. Pa rhaglen wyt ti’n cofio Dyfed Thomas - o’r blaen? Siop Siafins? neu rhaglen arall?

Thank you for answering Sara, glad that you like “Rubbish” also, I’m looking forward to watching the next programme/episode this week. What programme do you remember Dyfed Thomas from before? Siop Siafins? Or another programme?

Friendly reminder guys, please remember to provide an English translation if you write in Welsh so that newer learners can follow the thread too.

So sorry siaronjames I am new here and didn’t realise I had that privilege. I’ll remember next time.

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Wel, Wendy dwi dim yn cofio siop siafins ond oedd hi’n rhaglen arall nes i gwylio amser maith yn ôl. Ond ar y pryd nes i gwybod amdanno achos dwi 'di dysgu ei fab yn ysgol gynradd. Dyni’n byw yn yr un ardal.

Well, Wendy, I can’t remember siop siafins but it was some other programme I watched years ago. But in fact I knew of Dyfed Thomas as I knew his wife and also taught his son in primary school. We live in the same area.