When you run into fellow SSIW'ers

We went to Nos Gwyl Am’lan last night in Llangrannog to watch Yws Gwynedd and Yr Eira. Pleasantly suprised at how busy it was, must have been at least three or four thousand people down there by the end - which was superb for a fully Welsh Language event in a relatively remote area :slight_smile:

Making our way down to the stage I spotted a familiar face in the distance, that on closer inspection turned out to be none other than our very own Iestyn! We quickly made a beeline for @Iestyn who turned out to be more lovely than we could have ever hoped. We hoped to just catch a quick word but ended up chatting for about 20 minutes or something, totally in Welsh - which was great and weird (hearing “the voice”!)

Such a great guy and a massive credit to the SSIW lot.

Iestyn even did “the line” of “Da bo am y tro” when leaving.


Aw, I want to run into Iestyn! I’d never seen his end greeting written down - I can’t help hearing it as ‘da bo McGraw’, as in the old cartoon, Quick Draw McGraw :joy:

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Ahh, @Iestyn! always ready with his SSiW T-Shirt! I love this spirit. (I constantly wore mine when I was in Caerdydd too …) :slight_smile: I feel so privileged to be on Iestyn’s bootcamp last year! Great to meet @anon86454181 and the girls too!



It was an absolute pleasure to meet the two of you, as I said on Twitter. 20 minutes of my time is hardly special compared to all the time you’ve put in getting to where you are with your Welsh. I was gobsmacked (and still am) when you said how long you’d been learning, and only thought as I walked away “I hope they understood me well enough”, because I just spoke to you like the two Welsh speakers you are.

I was on cloud nine after talking with you, fair play - it made my day.

I love meeting SSiWers - you are such a brilliant bunch!


No, no. We got and understood everything! It was very cool to hear “the voice” saying non-SSIW words too!

Too kind with the comments! It was a mad night, running into loads of people I “kind of knew” but without having met in person before!

Even ran into our local MP, who I’d met a fair few times before - but this was the first time I’d seen him since I photoshopped a photo of him over Joe Ledley’s body, which then went a bit “Welsh Viral” afterwards, so I didn’t know how he’d react!


I recommend wearing a SSIW T-shirt - that is how I met a new friend and had my first Welsh conversation!!! Even though I’m still in course one I am managing to understand most of our now weekly chats…producing the language myself is a big challenge but also lots of fun. Here is a link to a fideo bach about our meeting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps2YcLS3xOo Diolch yn fawr to you all for such a great course!

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That’s seriously awesome, Libby… :star: :star2:

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