What's outside

I think you will prove to be correct
as i have failed to befriend any reindeer (so far) :wink:

Cheers J.P.

Galwad Cynnar
Eglurhad o sut yn union mae rhoi crwbanod i aeaf gysgu mewn oergell gawnni gan Ian Keith,
tra’r aiff Bethan Wyn Jones ar drywydd yr uchelwydd.
Garddio efo Gwynedd Roberts,
addurno efo Awen Jones a
DNA anifeiliaid efo Deri Tomos.

Early call
Explanation of exactly how to give turtles sleep in winter fridge gawnni by Ian Keith,
while Bethan Wyn Jones goes on the trail mistletoe.
Gardening with Gwynedd Roberts,
decorated with Awen Jones and
animal DNA with Deri Tomos.

Perhaps this should be titled ‘my struggle with Welsh’ anyway, above title and over view from todays Galwad cynnar with google translate below it.

I think crwbanod should have translated as tortoise’s (turtles would be crwbanod y mor).

Google failed to translate gawnni (does this refer back and in English would go where it says how to give turtles (how we can give). Maybe way of the mark here!

Gaeaf gysgu (literally, winter sleep) = hibernate.

If anyone is bemused by the idea of using a fridge to simulate winter, it works well for pupae of moths but do ask how before you try.
(all comments accepted with many thanks).
Cheers J.P.

Just out of interest, although we are not good photographers, should we get a decent picture of our red squirrels or the pine marten who lives up the back, would you like me to post them, despite not being in Cymru? I can see this could lead to Canadians posting caribou and wolves, Australians posting marsupials etc., but our wildlife used to live all over Britain and some still lives in Ynys Mon, so…?
from Jackie

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+1 from me for photos of red squirrels, wherever they come from!



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Absolutely fine, red squirrel (it’s been a while since is saw one), pine martin, well i saw one fleetingly in 2010, i wouldn’t want anyone to feel excluded by quality of photo or where they live.
cheers J.P.

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I can understand there are those who don’t want to see any wallabies in Wales ever again :slight_smile:

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Well i have nothing against marsupials myself:smile:

For anyone who fancies being outside in Wales in welsh Plas tan y bwlch are offering
a Welsh rambling weekend in Snowdonia. 1-4 May.

Cheers J.P.

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I wonder how strenuous that’d be? I am not the walker I used to be!!


I sure would not want to put anyone off, but last time i went on one we did about 7 miles per day which included a high point, the tutor is very good at asking what people would like to do and they tend to like the sound of high points which were great.
(the course i went on was in English).
Cheers J.P.

Amanita muscaria - latin.
fly agaric - saesneg.
Amanita’r gwybed - cymraeg.

There is another tread running with plenty of plausible suggestions about sion corn and his relationship regarding jac y do behaviour, i wonder if sometimes they dropped nuts/fruit which in winters past would have seemed like pennies from heaven.

So i post this fungus image because as far as i know it has the most mythology/folk law of any fungus, and first i should add that this autumn i was hoping to find a selection of these in different stages of development to explain a little of fungal development, i failed to find a suitable group so that will have to wait until next autumn.

Now this fungus is easily recongnised and is one to definitely not try eating, as far as i know anyone who tries doing so will be sick within two hours but by then it is to late, the mind bending molecules are already in the blood stream.

Plenty of people have seen wildlife eating various fungus that would be bad news for us but seem to not effect the wildlife so we still have much to understand about digestion in other species. part of folk law is that far to the north people use this fungus to attract and subdue reindeer which like it but it affects their mind in that small twigs look huge and they leap over imaginary large obstacles so leading to the idea of flying reindeer, which some time got added to sion corn’s sleigh, i can not add scientific certainty to these rumors but that is how folk law grows.

The scientific understanding of how the poisons differ in species of fungi is extremely interesting in its self, the folk law adds a dimension of interest that may be based on truth or what people believe they saw, (the flying reindeer may have leaped, or maybe someone who ate the fungus saw flying reindeer)!!

Cheers J.P.


Llygoden y coed - wood mouse.

Rather surprised to see this cheeky mouse quite happy outside in daylight.

Cheers J.P.


Titw mawr - great tit.

Robin goch - Robin.

Cheers J.P.


Dryw eurben - gold crest.

Sometimes a little branch gets in the way, but the chance to image such a lovely bird
over rode that concern. Of course i will hope to get a better image in the future, so as
with all things re-my welsh (there is room for improvement).

Cheers J.P.


You know, I find it fascinating that the Robin there is so much different from the American Robin. Yours looks more like I always thought a Robin should look!

Apparently the American Robin is a member of the thrush family, i think they look like our female black bird but with a red breast.

Today some rather early signs of spring.

Eirlys - cymraeg. snowdrops - saesneg.

And for winter fungus.

Flammulina velutipes - latin. Velvet shank - saesneg, (don’t know of name in cymraeg).
These quite happily withstand frost so can be seen for some time still to come.

Cheers J.P.

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I believe it was settlers from Britain who foolishly called a bird a robin based entirely on its breast colour, without taking account of the differences!! Mind, I’d love to know how a turkey was named!!
from Jackie

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According to Wikipedia:

When Europeans first encountered turkeys in America, they incorrectly identified the birds as a type of guineafowl – i.e., as members of a group of birds which were thought to typically come from the country of Turkey. The name of the North American bird thus became “turkey fowl”, which was then shortened to just “turkey.” In 1550 the English navigator William Strickland, who had introduced the turkey into England, was granted a coat of arms including a “turkey-cock in his pride proper”.

Excuse me while i struggle with technology.
I’m hoping to get into the transcription practice at some time so to avoid messing that thread am trying to get to grips with audacity and see if i can post an edited (short) clip via sound cloud in here.
This should be an excert from Galwad cynnar Dec 20th, if i have that correct then hopefully a first go at a transcription will appear soon.

Iolo excert from Galwad cynnar Dec 20th.

Iolo williams sut wyt ti, ??ata on Iolo, diolch yn fawr iawn gyda ti a bawb, nadolig dda, sydd ati Iolo, arbenig yn dda i dweud diolch yn fawr i gilydd arbenig yn dda, diolch yn fawr nadolig dw i’n siwr ?? dros on mynd i geirfa?? a wir, wi wedi yn draw i Norfolk, Iolo yn dy wela be welast ti ??
sut a hwyl gest ti yn fanar, do, wedi bod drawd ,dw i ddim yn mynd yn aml felly, mae braf cymyn (30sec)
mae ni gwahanol iawn ??gwastad ofnadwi yn filmio gyda winter watch oedd’n yn dod allan ond dw i wedi ionawr on inni neud arnon ni wythnos diwethaf ag yn on ar eiw declan newydd gyd or enw dim yn alon military grade image intensifier sef camera sydd yn cymnyd faint o laeni syth o gal yn y nos ag eni pwythio fyny cam gwaith felly yn y nos iddi gweld (1min)
fel dydd mwy na lai ag on y dri peth yn ariol mae na glydfran, ydfran, jac-y-do’s yn y mewn lle or enw Buckingham, a ma dros cweth deg mil or adar yn y nawn i’r glydfran yn a gyda nos a neb wedi bod yna yn filmio iawn efo camera da yn y nos a dyna peth cyntaf wnaeth yn nhw oedd mynd yna, on i’n sefydd ar y cae’r efo hen gytar ar adal y ar fin yn ddeol yn fwyd fynd iawn?? ag al on dweud o wrthi (1:30) fodd gweld hain yn y nawn yn y nos
mae nhwy’n dweud, you know what i have lived here 60 years i never seen it at night before , wela fo, ar yny edrych arno fo beth on i ?? yn y bora fyn i nol cyntaf yn y bora wedyn ag gweld beth on digwydd ag un or peth yn amlwg i bod o ydfrain, rooks, arwain y ffordd ar i o jac-y-do’s yn i gilyn nhw fel sydd ydfran yn arwain newydd hefyd bwydo gora, acos dan ni ddim y gwybod (2min)
bod hyn yn wir mae nhw dweud beth i edrych am ei bwyd ond oedd i’n edrych ym y dyma dim digwydd beth on i’n ymlaen wedyn i Blakeny point ar y arfordir i filmio morlo llwyd a bydd sy’n ??gylch afordir Prydain, ydy yng ngymry mae’r morlo llwyd or ??? bach diweth
aust – medi dechrau hydref o mae wahanol rite rownd arfordir Prydain (2:30)
a draw y norfolk. Mae nhw roed ???mis tachwedd trwy mis rhagfir a trwy mis ionawr a mae rhy bydd a rhwybeth i neud efo ar gilydd bwyd ella dyna ydy’r peth ymlacio fel swn ni dweud ar fan i’n yn y nos wedyn yn gweld be on digwydd acos fel arfer mae gannach chi’n gwrywaidd sef tarw mawr cryf sydd am dipyn darnod rhai nag o fewn fan na digon o hanner dwsin na mwy o’r ei benywaidd (3min).
A wedyn unwaith mae’r i benywaidd roedd gen y dyi gydwaith mae yn gwrywaidd yn cymharu fa nhw sydd wedyn, ond yn yr nos wnaeth’n ni ganfod bod y rhy, rhy gwrywaidd llai o faint ?? eisiau cael yn dim sniff o camareol gwyble gyl y dydd, yn y nos bod nhw’n gallu nhw yn slavio mewn wyt ti bod cymaryn gyflym efo o’r benywaidd nes bod yn gwrywaidd yr un mawr sy’n dal yn ???(3:30) yn dod o hyd iddo fo a wedyn mae nhw ar o gwmpas a fon digwydd llawr mwy yn y nos o’n ag oedd neb yn gwybod hyn cint felly mae nhw gan fod rhywbeth, rhywbeth o wyddoniath a mae traw cyntaf oeddon diddorol dros ben a peth o la wedyn so wneathyn ni wahod RSPB yn Snettisham i filmio pibydd yr aber syth a (knot) sydd yn ?? saith deg mil or enw i gyd ar y wash (4:00)
fel rhy thai bas yn fethol ydy o a wrthio lanu uchel fod naw’n mae’n pwysio o’n yfyny wedi mae nhw mynd i ei o glydfran mae rhy yn llunoedd bach i cefny i’r wal for i’r mordlaw felly, ???mae nhw hedfan yn agos iawn at i gilydd a rhoi dipyn o shoi fel mae rhydwainog o neud yn a we eisiau gwybod o nhw hyn, liw nos acos tubad dydyn nhw ddim benaf (4:30)
yn y dydd acos fel na adar fel heb o camera o gwmpas a mae nhw cadw’n dyn at yn gilydd i moin os goi cael i bwyta a mae gwir i dweud o pam na’n dewid dewid hefyd naddoch camera ddangos hyn inni felly mae rhy bod yn reswm na eraill pam bod nhw hedfan mor agos at y gilydd hefyd na cig i mond fi oes rhoi cael i bwyta ma nhw.

Well a whole lot of editing/corrections to do (i found that hard).

Cheers J.P.

Da iawn JP, oedd o’n perffaith! Dan ni’n edrych ymalen at WinterWatch, a dw i’n hapus bod Iolo yn mynd i arddangos ar y sioe.



Diolch yn fawr iawn Stu.
Rhaid i fi ddweud, Dw’i wedi dod o hyd i’r trawsgrifiad ddim yn hawdd.

Titw penddu - coal tit.

Having to use more zoom than i would like as these are still quite nervous about
being close to me, the white patch on back of head is good for ID, just about visible in
this image.

Cheers J.P.

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