What's outside

I saw this beautiful butterfly when I was back in Llandysul for a few days recently - I had to Google it, and it’s a Cinnabar Moth apparently. For some reason they appear down in the village, but never up on the hill above where my house is! I wonder why!


Now that is a strange coincidence. I just discovered one of them here in our little urban garden, first time ever I saw them :scream:

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Caterpillar s (lindys) of
Cinnabar moth (teigr benfelen)
Feed on
Ragwort (llysau,r gingroen)
Very colourful look out for soon
Cheers J.P.


Somebody seems to think that Buddleja davidii, y gynffon las, coeden fêl, butterfly bush is rare enough to need a special blue plaque.
By 2023 it had grown very large. They chopped it right back and dug up most of its roots over the winter, but it is back and starting to grow again.
This is Quaking Bridge over Castle Mill Stream, Oxford.
As far as I know, the plaque is not a joke.


I quite like ‘there was a cool flower here’ as a subject for plaques. If there were more along similar lines, I wouldn’t complain.

‘Saw sortaottery bee fuzzy large* here on Day Saturn, the seventh on twenty of June, 2000 two ten four’.

*gwenynen grychiog fawr (?)

This might be of interest to people on this thread -

Dewch i nabod Huw Dafydd Jones!

Dros benwythnos Gŵyl y Gweilch ar Awst 10+11 bydd Huw Dafydd Jones yn rhoi cyflwyniad ar Adar Mewn Chwedloniaeth a Thraddodiad. Bydd cyflwyniad Cymraeg ar y dydd Sadwrn a chyflwyniad Saesneg ar ddydd Sul.

Rhaid archebu tocynnau drwy ddilyn y ddolen isod. Mae mynediad am ddim ond croesewir rhoddion.


Meet the Huw Dafydd Jones!

During the Gŵyl y Gweilch weekend on August 10+11 Huw Dafydd Jones will give a presentation on Birds in Tradition and Folklore. There will be a Welsh presentation on Saturday and an English presentation on Sunday.

Tickets must be reserved by following the link below. Entry is free but donations are welcome.


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