more diolch yn fawr! But disappointed in her yellowhammers! Our’s on Gower were much more clear and slower with the ‘little bit of bread’ and the cheese was shorter and more cheese like! I shall see if Google can find me one! I suspect my loss of upper registers is the problem!
What a lovely photo. Diolch
Dw i’n cytuno. - I agree.
Wherever did you come across this? I didn’t thibk any were left!
llun hyfryd iawn ( a very lovely picture)
Diolch yn fawr, thank you very much, Henddraig
He does trips on the local canal and is very busy.
cefnogant - seconded.
Ychidig gwyfynod - a few moths.
Bachadain raeanog - pebble hooktip.
Chwmwyfyn rhithiol (benywaidd) - Ghost moth (female).
Crwbach gwelw - pale prominent.
Gwalch wyfyn poplys - poplar hawk moth.
Llewpart - leopard moth.
Cheers J.P.
You come up with some truly remarkable moths! Both lovely and very interesting. Thanks!
I have to admit to having disliked having fluttering things near my head from early youth. My dad once made the mistake of asking me to hold the torch while he did something outside in the dark. What seemed like every moth in the district converged on me and I dropped the torch and ran! Poor Dad was left in total darkness, cursing!
This silly flight reaction on my part and the fluttery wings, has meant I can only study butterflies when still at a distance and never moths at all! Thank you, John, for the painless lessons in moth species you have been providing since I first tried the Forum, lurking nervously, and found your great thread!
A while back we had an exchange about whether unripe tomatoes are poisonous and I reported that mine, on Gower, were eagerly accepted by my neighbour for chutney making and those who ate it seemed quite fit! Well, y bore’ma on ‘Dal ati’ on S4C after the long item on Dysgwr y Flwyddyn, a chef showed how to make gazpacho with red tomatoes and chutney with green ones, which looked like unripe ones to me.He serves the chutney in his restaurant!
@ramblingjohn Did you see on the news, new species of grass snake identified in UK? Banded - it is called!
a pys
Maen y pys yn dringo y coeden (The peas are climbing the tree)
Eirin duon
Dw i’n leicio tyfu planhigion mod i’n medru bwyta. (I like to grow plants that I can eat)
I like Victoria plums and we have a tree. This year is one of those with a very small crop! I used to grow beans when my health was better. Quite successfully!
Heddiw - today.
Argws brown - brown Argos.
Amanita gwridog - the blusher.
Sioncyn gwyrdd cyffredin - common green grasshopper.
Griset gwinau - tawny grisette.
Gwas neidr llachar (gwrywaidd) - Southern hawker (male).
Cheers J.P.
Yesterday, I looked out of the kitchen window and saw a dark coloured butterfly! I pointed it out to Janet and we gazed with delight! It was too far away to see its colours, just that it was dark. Our reaction shows you just how few butterflies of any variety we have seen this year! Today we are back to drizzle!