What comes after the app?

I’ve loved using the automagic app for South Welsh and really liked Aran’s repeated encouragements and a week ago completed the belts. I’ve continued to use it to revise sentences but now it seems stuck in just a few sentences. I’m a learner who seems to have a visual memory so the sentences in Welsh shown during the second model voice have been really useful for getting it stuck into my brain. But what now? I’ve gone back to the challenges I did a few years ago but it’s not the same nor even the same words (eisiau/moyn). I’m feeling bereft tbh

Congratulations on completing SSiW!!

Sounds like you’re ready to start listening to Welsh podcasts, watching Welsh TV, and reading Welsh books! There’s lots out there to help you develop your Welsh, but the key thing is to do something every day and keep what you’ve learnt fresh.

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If you’ve gone back to the standard course, make sure you’ve chosen the right version N or S. If you’re used to moyn and not hearing it, you may have it on N instead of S (or if you’re not used moyn and are hearing it, then you need to be on N rather than S)

You could also check out the listening exercises in the Advanced section. There are transcripts/translations for most and the idea is to listen first before looking at the transcripts, then look at them, then listen again.

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