We're Looking for a house+dog+cat sitter for August 2024!

Dear all,

@aran and I are looking for a house, dog and cat sitter for about two weeks from the first weekend in August to the third - exact dates to be confirmed.

Whoever comes to stay will need to be dog and cat-savvy, be able to converse in Welsh and will need a car.

We live in the sticks in an old one-floor cottage on common land where the sheep roam free. We’re 10 minutes from Caernarfon (which is where out vet is) and have one dog and a cat. We’re also about 15 minutes from the nearest beach. We have a big (wild and mature) garden full of birds where we’re often treated to spectacular sunsets over the sea.

If you’re an outdoorsy person who loves to walk, loves amazing views, wildlife, dramatic old slate mines, peace and quiet and some of the best stargazing, then you’ll love where we live.

We also have fiber to the premises, so excellent Internet connection. We have a big screen TV with access to Amazon, Netflix Disney+ and many more. We also have many board games.

The dog is a labXspaniel, very affectionate, easygoing, gets on well with other dogs in the area, is great with kids, is allowed on the furniture and likes to sleep on the bed. As he could easily escape the garden to take himself for a short stroll, he had to be trained early on to leave the sheep alone. He can now walk amongst sheep off lead, takes no notice of them at all, and all the local farmers know us. All our postmen and delivery drivers know him, as well as our neighbours. We walk him once a day and he’s used be being left alone in the house if we have to go out.

The cat is our daughter’s baby - she suffers from anxiety and the cat is her therapy. He’s an outdoor cat - we have cat flaps so he comes and goes as he pleases and we don’t keep cat litter indoors. He is also very affectionate. He is proven to bring in bits of dead rabbits, mice, and voles (but thankfully no birds), which he will often deposit under the bed - so regular checking and disposing of bits of dead animals is part of the deal.

We would be happy for whoever came to bring their dog, as long as that dog was good with cats and there wasn’t a risk of the cat being spooked and running away.

As you can imagine, we’re a little nervous about the process of finding a house sitter, so we must get this right. It’s equally important that whoever comes to stay can enjoy it to the max, and feel they’ve had a worthwhile holiday at the end of it.

If you’re interested and feel you’d be a great fit for us, then please get in touch via private message and we can get some conversations going.

Diolch all.


As someone who has done this gig before (at a previous location) for the Jones family I can highly recommend it! I am, unfortunately, unable to offer my services this time, but please, if you’re tempted, have no reservations!


That’s a very kind message Margaret, diolch calon! You did a superb job of house and dog sitting and I was so very pleased that you had such a wonderful time. :heart:


I love it that your cat and dog only speak Welsh!


I don’t know how to do a private message for you. Just typing this and seeing where it goes!


Catrin should see this here, but for future reference, here’s how to send a private message - click on her profile picture and you should see a box pop up with a blue ‘message’ envelope - click on that to write a private message.

When you have a reply through a private message, you should receive a notification but there will also be a little green dot next to your profile picture in the top bar. Click on your picture and then on the envelope icon to retrieve it.


Just to say that I and my late wife had the honour of taking a turn at this a few years ago. We really loved every minute of it.


My dog only speaks Irish, but good luck!


His barks certainly have a Caernarfon accent, Emma … :wink:

Diolch for your suggestion, Susan, and diolch to @Deborah-SSi for pulling our chat into a private message thread. I have just caught up with everything this morning and sent you a reply.

Awwwwww, diolch John for those kind words. It was a privilege to have you and Glenda here taking care of everything whilst we were away - I’ll never forget coming home that night to hot homemade soup! :heart:

Oh, that’s fabulous! :smile:


Diolch all for your responses and messages!

We have finally nailed down the exact dates!

We’re looking at being away from home from the 6th of August till the 18th of August, so that’s Tuesday till Sunday.

Unfortunately, we still haven’t confirmed a dog+cat+house sitter, so if there’s anyone out there still interested, please let us know. Diolch! :slight_smile:


Well, unfortunately, losing my Dad meant that we had to put plans for our family holiday on hold for a while.

But now that things have settled a little, I’m back to it, trying to find a house, dog and cat sitter for 13 days from Tuesday the 6th of August to Sunday the 18th, and we’re really keeping our fingers tightly crossed that we’ll be able to find someone! :pray: :crossed_fingers: :see_no_evil:

So if you fancy a ‘free holiday’ in the Caernarfon area of North Wales please see the first message in this thread for all the information.

Diolch bawb!


I’m really sorry to hear that you lost your Dad. Hope you and your family are doing okay.


Thank you all so much for your offers and suggestions!

We have now secured sitters!!! :blush: