Welsh word for drop?

Just found the new forum…

Shwmae Pawb!

What’s the welsh word ‘to drop’

For exampling, ‘Have you dropped your toy’ ‘Wyt ti wedi ‘dropped’ de tegan ti’

At the moment I’m just using the word cwmpo, for example, ’ ‘Mae tegan wedi cwmpo’

Thanks for any advise and help,


I would use colli for drop, if the child had dropped the toy. Wyt ti wedi colli dy degan di?

But I would say Mae tegan wedi disgyn if talking about the toy. I would use cwympo if the toy had fallen off the sofa for example.

Hope this helps.

I think you can also use gollwng, which means ‘to release, to let go’, and would probably work in that context too… And croeso i’r fforwm newydd!

Croeso to the forum, Phillip!

I would use gollwng as well. As a southerner, I would use “cwmpo” for to fall, where SJ uses disgyn.


Thanks for the response!

Gollwng it is then :slight_smile:

Diolch eto

I’ve no idea f I’m right so please correct me. I also use gollwng for drop and also for spill and I think I heard someone using it to mean a leak too, as in the roof has a leak.

gollwng dŵr/ to leak is the one I know.

Hi Gruntius - confirmed!

In the south, I use sarnu for to spill, but gollwng is just as good, and I think more common in the north

Great, learning is amazing. Diolch.

Sorri just another quick one, how would you say gollwng? goll as in ar goll, I got, but the wng? Does it sound the same as the mutation to ‘my wife’ ‘nggraig fi’ ?

Diolch eto pawb

Phillip - "Sorri just another quick one, how would you say gollwng? goll as in ar goll, I got, but the wng? Does it sound the same as the mutation to ‘my wife’ ‘nggraig fi’ ?

Diolch eto pawb"

Gollwng - go (as on gong) then the Welsh ‘ll’ then ‘wng’ like this - oong ('ng’as in gong)

So - golloong

By the way if you want a polite way in Welsh of referring to the action of having ‘passed wind’ you can say - ‘sori, ond dw i di gollwng un’ [sorry ond doo ee dee golloong een] meaning ‘sorry, but I’ve dropped one’.


lol Catrin! Very useful :stuck_out_tongue:

diolch unwaith eto
