An idea which came to me to while away an hour or two was to try to think up a sentence which is a palindrome in Cymraeg - after much whiling though I’ve failed miserably , even when assuming that the letters ch, ng, rh & th are separate letters when read backwards. Does anyone know of any? Or can any of you come up with one of your own?
Lladd dafad ddall: to kill a blind sheep.
Could be the title of a Welsh Noir detective novel, maybe?
Da iawn!
By coincidence, the Merched y Wawr Facebook group posted this picture from an old issue of their magazine Y Wawr.
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Brilliant! Diolch yn fawr
Inspired by ‘Madam I’m Adam’, and with apologies to any Dianes on here:
Enaid ffrog ydy dy gorff, Diane - Your body is a frock’s soul, Diane.
A bit surreal, I know