To celebrate, as a part of Cardiff Music City Festival we are having the birthday bash of ALL birthday bashes with our 10th birthday twin @HorizonsCymru at @thegatelive THIS THURSDAY!

The lineup is STACKED, the scene is SET and the tickets are FREE! Get yours now → https://www.tickettailor.com/events/beaconscymru/1379007

Folk Song Weekend ✨

17th – 19th of January 2024

Ambell i Gân is a weekend of Welsh folk singing with three of Wales’ leading voices - Gwilym Bowen Rhys, Beth Celyn and Gwenan Gibbard 🙌

The weekend is held at Plas Caerdeon, and costs £300 for the weekend including all meals and accommodation. An early bird discount is available until November!

Book & find out more information here 👇



Premiering at Llais festival 2024, Llwch a Llechi [Dust and Slate] by composer and multidisciplinary artist Gwen Siôn is a fusion of electronic music, environmental recordings, orchestral instrumentation and voices exploring connections between music, landscape, tradition and ritual. Llwch a Llechi will be performed live by 10 BBC National Orchestra of Wales musicians, one of Wales’ oldest choirs - Côr y Penrhyn (a community group originally formed as a slate quarrymen’s choir for workers at Penrhyn Quarry, Bethesda), and Gwen on live electronics using her own hand-built instruments made from site-specific recycled natural materials (including slate, oak and yew).

Llwch a Llechi takes inspiration from socio-political histories, industrial heritage, folklore motifs and the cultural relationship that exists between music and landscape, and its deeper roots in Celtic oral tradition in Wales. This brand new audio-visual project combines elements of experimental electronic music, contemporary orchestral composition, choral composition (specifically informed by North Wales’ working-class tradition of quarrymen’s choirs), field recordings and archive footage (provided by the Screen and Sound Archive, National Library of Wales) to create a unique and engaging live performance piece.

🎟️ Tocynnau/Tickets: www.wmc.org.uk/en/llais/2024/gwen-sion-llwch-a-llechi

Côr Cymraeg Coventry performing at St John the Baptist Church, Coventry this Saturday, 12th October. Classic Welsh hymns and folk songs performed a cappella by Coventry’s only Welsh choir.

Couple of shows in London;

Diolch yn fawr iawn Rob. I went to Tilburg today and it was great! Did mention i got to the gig through the SSIW forum, so: thank you from Cerys as well :+1:

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Calan are going their separate ways and playing a farewell tour this autumn, starting in Bangor on Halloween and finishing in Brighton on November 29th. As well as playing old favourites, they will be performing tracks from their new album Nefydd, which will be released on November 22nd.

I’m going to the Aldershot gig. If anyone else is going and wants to meet up, let me know.

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Is it you that gets a mention in this, do you think?

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Who knows :heart_eyes_cat: I mean, knowing the strength of the Welsh-learning community, i might not even be the only one… but nice to read :slight_smile:

Pontio Bangor

(Pontio Bangor) ·

📣 Tocynnau cyngerdd Pedair a’r Gerddorfa ar werth 1pm fory // on sale 1pm tomorrow 20.11

Daw Pedair a chreadigrwydd cerddorol Gwenan Gibbard, Gwyneth Glyn, Meinir Gwilym a Sian James at ei gilydd i greu prosiect gwerinol hudolus a gwreiddiol. Mewn noson arbennig gyda Cherddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC, cawn glywed trefniannau cerddorfaol newydd o ganeuon o albwm gyntaf y grŵp “Mae ‘Na Olau” yn ogystal â chyfle i glywed caneuon o’u albwm newydd i gyfeiliant cwbl unigrwy y gerddorfa.

Pedair brings the creative talents of Gwenan Gibbard, Gwyneth Glyn, Meinir Gwilym and Sian James together, creating an original and magical folk group. A brilliant night awaits you as Pedair join the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, with new arrangements of the records from their first album “Mae ‘Na Olau” as well as a chance to hear new music from their new album, paired with the sublime sound of the orchestra.

📆 Nos Sadwrn 15 Mawrth / Saturday 15 March, 8pm

📍 Theatr Bryn Terfel

🎟 https://shorturl.at/Lxjwd

We saw Calan in Norwich on Wednesday - SO good - supporting band The Marcellas really good too, so if you have the chance to see them, do grab it!

Note: The Marcellas (who are a three piece band from S Wales) are crowdfunding to help realise recording of their first album - should anyone be interested, see Fundraiser by Delyth Mclean : Donate to help us make our first album!

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