Welsh for the Family - a two day stay at Garth Newydd Lampeter or Llangrannog

There will be a weekend of Welsh activities for the family at the Urdd camp in Llangrannog on February 24th to 26th.

What about a weekend with the family in west
Wales? Gwersyll yr Urdd residential centre in
Llangrannog has a lot to offer. Come to socialise,
to practice speaking Welsh, and Welsh lessons
will be available. Take part in all kinds of different
activities from swimming to walking the coastal
path. A unique experience for the whole family
in a beautiful Welsh setting.

The Closing Date for bookings is 28 January, and the form with costs etc can be downloaded from the link below:

penwythnoscymraegweb.pdf (490.3 KB)


This looks great and is something I would love to do but am away on holiday that half term week. Would be interested if they put it on again sometime :slight_smile:


They do have Welsh for the Family over Easter holidays and Summer as well.

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Yes, as @carlapetris says, there will be other occasions during the year. See here @Sam84


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That’s brilliant diolch yn fawr :slight_smile: I’ve already booked the week off work for the Eisteddfod and I will see if I will be able to book the week after off too so I can attend the summer fun holiday there. It’s not a bad price considering that all food and activities are included in the cost

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Will these be geared for South Wales speakers?

I can’t imagine they would be as the Urdd is for young people from all over Wales. If you have any questions it would be best to contact them direct and I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to help.


Thank you Dee. It looks like a fun set up. I’ll chat with them. It may be a bit too soon, but it looks like a fun idea.


Another Family Weekend coming up in Llangrannog:

23-25 February 2018
Llangrannog Urdd Camp
Welsh lessons, activities and fun for all the family.

How about a weekend for the whole family at the Urdd residential centre in Llangrannog? This is a unique opportunity to socialise, to enjoy with the family,
to learn and to use your Welsh.

For more details and a booking form click here.


Has anyone been before? I was thinking of going over Easter but not sure if i eould cope with a 5yr old and baby myself there…

Reviving this thread because the Welsh for the Family Weekend in Llangrannog is back.

16-18/02/24 – All levels.

Register here:


If you missed the weekend above in February, here’s another coming up in March:

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