Hi all! If this is not allowed or against the forum rules, please let me know. I doing an anthropological study on the relationship between Welsh culture and language. If you find the time, I would appreciate any input you have on the subject. If you think of anything I haven’t asked, please feel free to include any additional information relating to Wales, Welsh language, or Welsh culture.
Some questions I have:
From what you know of now of Welsh culture and the language, do you find that one has influenced the other, or vice versa?
If you grew up in Wales, but didn’t grow up speaking Welsh, do you feel there are any aspects of the culture you missed out on or didn’t get to participate in?
Do you feel there are any identifying things about Welsh culture that stand out to you, especially when compared to other cultures within the UK or predominately English speaking cultures?
If you have used the Welsh you’ve learned here on SSiW (or anywhere else) in a real world situation, I’d love to hear your story or how you felt being able to communicate in your new language.
All the information will be kept confidential and no names will be used in the study. Thank you all for this wonderful community of Welsh learners!