Welsh Cinema

Why don’t you and your wife watch it first and only show it to the offspring if you agree that it’s OK? You know your kids, after all! I was a bloodthirsty little brat, raised during the war and rationing, so asking, hopefully, when one of the rabbits would be big enough to kill and eat!!! I also ran after may Mam working the sinews of a fresh chicken foot so that it opened and shut, and told her, joyfully, on one occasion, “There’s a chicken running round the yard with its head cut off!” A film of my youth would be judged Certificate X!!!


Both my favourites but … I find Harry Potter much more scarry and for this matter unapropriate for “little monsters” then Star Wars.

But, however, look at nowdays cartoons at channels like “Cartoon net”. This is even more horrible as you don’t actually even know what it’s all about.

But, my son didn’t want to watch niether of those both movies mentioned above … he went for “Bionicle” stuff what was enough of fantasy for him thinking more like scientist now then a teenager. :slight_smile:

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