Welsh and Spanish?

Hi. I’ve been using Automagic for a couple of months now and really enjoying it.
I also learn Spanish and need to get my brain back in gear for a trip to Spain next month.
Is it possible to use SSi Spanish at the same time as keeping my current progress on Automagic in Welsh? (I’m at 50 hours currently and don’t want this to reset to zero )

Thanks for any help, and apologies if it’s a daft question!

Yes, it stores progress. You won’t lose anything if you switch.

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Oh thanks! You don’t know how happy it makes me not having to return to the irritating voices on DuoLingo Spanish :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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Pob lwc.
I have been learning with SSIW for about 3 and a half years. And really happy with the results.
This past 5 weeks i also started SSIS. Its definitely difficult, well from Monday to Friday. Then the weekend tends to embed as much as its going to. Im also heading to Spain in July. Im not sure if ill be brave enough to practice my Spanish. But gobeithio :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

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Keep plugging away Alan👍 And hope your trip goes well.
I’ve been learning Spanish for ages now, so hopefully I won’t find it too difficult. But I do find that I need to switch my brain back into Spanish before each trip :slightly_smiling_face:


Jump right in @Alan-Clifford, and be ready with “Un poco más lentamente, por favor” when they answer. With some it seems to be a personal challenge to fit as many words into 5 seconds as they possibly can! :joy: