Weekly Email 07/04/2020

Just a quick message to say that this morning’s scheduled weekly email will be going out a little later in the day than planned. Thank you for your patience!:heart:


On its way, thanks for being patient!

I have recently started SSiW, my wife has been registered for about a year. We each have a subscription. She is receiving a weekly email from > SaySomethinginWelsh <[post@saysomethinginwelsh.com] but I don’t receive them to my own account. Do I have to sign up for these emails, or should they be coming automatically? They are useful and interesting! Incidentally, I am receiving the emails that are course related from admin@saysomethingin.com . Thanks for any ideas.

Hi Colin!

I’ve sorry that you haven’t been receiving the emails, but we can easily rectify that. If you email admin@saysomethingin.com and request to be put on the mailing list then that will be done for you. :slight_smile:

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Hi That was quick! Really super - I thought I had failed to tick the right box! Thanks for your help.