Weekend Course in Gwent March 24-25

Here’s some news from Geraint Wilson-Price of Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent.

The course will cater for all levels of Welsh from absolute beginner through to advanced and will be held over the March 24-25 weekend in Pontypŵl.

For £10 you’ll get lessons, tea and coffee, but you’ll need to bring your own food.

On the Saturday you’ll be able to purchase books, cards, and Welsh gifts from Cant a Mil Vintage who will have a stand there. If you’d like to order ahead of time, contact Jo ( jo@cantamilvintage.com )

To find out more, contact Geraint on 01495 333710


I think this can be my birthday treat or should I say punishment :joy:


Did you get what I was trying to say during the Welsh chat session, @Conor92?

Basically, if you’re already going to a class somewhere but you’re finding it a bit slow, or not enough emphasis on speaking, these weekend courses can be a good opportunity to try a different level. You can put yourself down for Sylfaen, for example, and go to the first session. Most tutors are happy to have someone who is willing to speak Welsh, even if you can’t write a lot, as a lot of beginners are very hesitant to speak in the classroom.

You can use the weekend courses to really stretch yourself. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand everything, but you benefit more from pushing yourself than for going in at a level you’re totally comfortable with. And if you find the session too much of a struggle so that you aren’t benefitting at all, you can always ask to drop down a level at break or lunchtime.

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Thanks Dee I understood our conversation about the Welsh course on Tuesday evening.

Thanks again for double checking I didn’t miss anything :grinning:


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Gwych! I was thinking afterwards perhaps I didn’t explain it very clearly, so you did really well! Your Cymraeg is coming along so well already with the amount you throw yourself into it! Ti’n seren :sunny:


Diolch yn fawr iawn. I’ve signed myself up, I’ll post a message in the thread after the weekend. A little review :grinning:


I haven’t long got home from the weekend course. The tutor was a star I had quite a few chats in Cymraeg during the coffee breaks with her.
The people were fine for the most part. I enjoyed the Clwb Cloinc they put on for all the learners on both of the days. I couldn’t say mynediad correctly when speaking to one woman, it was very odd tripping up on that word only.
The class sessions were too long for me. I found I was switching off to all the grammatical rules by lunch. I would go again but at a higher level to push myself in every sense. Especially grammar as I don’t worry myself about grammar.
Completing the SSiW challenges before attending, helped massively when speaking to people. It was really loud when in the canteen, a woman asked me about my family. I misheard thought she said tv, I started talking about S4C :joy:



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